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Messages - k2ue

Pages: [1]
Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: No Mic output to rig
« on: 2015-04-10, 13:49:56 »
As the mic output is a tranformer with no GND reference the MIC GND must be connected to GND if you do not have a balanced input. Check that you have conencted the red wires correct and that they are not broken. You will not see any output from the mic output if the MIC GND is open.

The audio to the transormer comes from a the Codec via a few OP-Amps.

What kind of mic are you using. Most mics are powered by the 8V on the mic wire itself (phantom) but there are mics which need power on a separat pin, some odd ICOM and Yaesu mics for example.

73 de mie

That was it!  The yellow Heil RJ-45 adapter I am using for the Mic/Key input grounds the Ring, but Ring is connected to Tip in the Mic -- a Stereo to Mono Adapter ahead of the Heil adapter fixed it.  Thanks for the tip.
Clyde, K2UE

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: No Mic output to rig
« on: 2015-04-10, 12:56:04 »
Let me recap:
Rx Audio works.
PTT works.
The Tx line input at the Radio works.
There is no evidence of any audio (not just weak audio) at the Radio 1258MkII(s) output.
Mic Bias is present at the Control unit.
The Mic being used works correctly plugged into the radio.

What is the audio path inside the Radio 1258 from incoming stream to Mic out?

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: No Mic output to rig
« on: 2015-04-10, 04:37:52 »
I have done this before with the same hardware -- it is possible.  There is also no output using the Mic input instead of line.  I need to find where the problem is.

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: No Mic output to rig
« on: 2015-04-09, 22:47:50 »
It is an Anan 200D.  I have tried both the Transparent and Kenwood modes.  The remote input is to the Line input on the rear accessory connector.  I have driven that input with an audio osc. and it is OK.  Are the default level settings for a low-level mic input, and if so what are the settings to drive a line input?

Configuration, RRC 1258 / No Mic output to rig
« on: 2015-04-09, 21:40:47 »
I have a new pair of 1258's with 2.85 firmware, and everything works EXCEPT no Mic audio output at the Radio.  There is bias on the Mic at the Controller end, so that is working; the Mic works plugged into the Radio, so it is OK.  On the Radio end I can trace the Mic input and ground all the way to the transformer on the 1258.  Is there a troubleshooting sequence I should be following to resolve this?
Clyde, K2UE

Hardware, Cabling, Installations / Re: Remoting a Flex-5000A
« on: 2013-02-21, 14:00:46 »
Is there a place in the manual where it shows what the AUX/MIC RJ-45 connections are with all default strapping area jumpers in place, and what each jumper does? -- it seems like all the setups shown are for specific radios, rather than generic use.
Clyde, K2UE

Hardware, Cabling, Installations / Remoting a Flex-5000A
« on: 2013-02-20, 23:44:52 »
My plan for remoting a Flex-5000A is to handle the video with Remote Desktop and use the RRC-1258MkIIs to provide stereo Rx and (mono) Tx audio, plus a CAT serial link.

The radio's stereo Rx audio is intended to drive PC speakers, and the remote audio will use the stereo miniature phone output to do that.

On the radio side, it looks like my best option is to remove R82, R137, R102, R103 to raise the "speaker" input resistance to about 1K, instead of the original 50 ohms.  Is there an easier way?

Clyde, K2UE

Pages: [1]