« on: 2016-11-08, 20:22:04 »
I have been using the TS-480 system for almost four years and have used it several times during contests without any problems. Except, last weekend during the ARRL SSCW contest. I operated from my hotel room and checked everything the day before. Just when it was time to start the contest, I realized that the hotel had filled up with video game convention. My connection to the hotel internet service got really slow. So, I switched over to using my iPhone hotspot and even the cell service was running slow. Apparently, my LTE connection was downgraded to 4G due to overload and I kept getting my call changed from NM to TEM. I realized that the jitter and the delays with a crowded internet service was changing my N to TE. My call was being sent back to me as K0TEM.
This was the first time in four years that I have actually observed the effect of jitter and delay in cell/internet service on CW being sent by RRC. I also noticed that every once in a while the receiver would blank out for about tenth of a seconds due to gaps in the received signal. This made it very difficult to operate the CW contest. Early next morning, the TS-480 worked perfectly- again. The video gamers were asleep at 5 am and my hotspot had full LTE signal. I called CQ and people responded with the proper K0NM call.
Bottom line is you have to have a good internet connection or you will have drops in CW transmission resulting in gibberish at times.
Nizar K0NM