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Messages - SA0IAT

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I've recently set up a CAT connection to N1MM+  but I experience audio dropouts, as soon as I start N1MM+ and connect to CAT.

Description of the problem: rapidly recurring audio dropouts. Each dropout is very short, perhaps 50-100ms. But enough to miss a letter or a number. The frequency of the dropouts isn't regular, varies from every second to once every 20 seconds. Sometimes, especially when moving the VFO everything freezes - no audio and no control of the remote radio. In some cases the control RRC reboots after a while.

Setup: Yaesu Twin with FT-2000 both at the control and the radio QTH. Mode 7 for COM1 in both control and radio RRC.  (38400 bds, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, parity 0, rts/cts = Yes, COM1 terminator 00, Com as USB = NO). Control RRC is connected to internet via LAN cable with good speed (about 300MB/s) and radio RRC connected to Teltonika 4G router with good 4G signal and speed.

Changing audio quality and jitter doesn't seem to do much difference.

Hi all,
I am experiencing interruptions in my remoterig connection. I notice it mostly by interruptions in the audio (everything from 1 second to ~20 seconds). But also if turning the VFO the radio may become unresponsive for a while. And somethimes the interruption is so long so that the timeout error tone starts. The problem is erratic, sometimes it works flawlessly for an hour, but usually there are interruptions every minute.

While it could be a configuration error somewhere, I highly suspect my internet connection, but I find it very hard to track. A little bit about my setup:

I am using RRC1258 Yeasu TWIN with 2x Yeasu FT2000
On my control-QTH I have a fiber 1000/100 Mb/s connection (getting about 800Mb/s down and 100Mb/s up at speed tests). The router is a Linksys EA9500, and I run a 5GHz link (with Ubiquiti Nanobeam M5) between the house and my radioshack (about 20 meters). In the shack I use a TP-link 5 port gigabit switch.
On my radio QTH there is a 100/10 Mb/s fiber connection, run through a Linksys WRT54GL router, via a 5GHz link  (Ubiquiti Nanobeam M5) to the radio (about 50 meters). A TP-link 5 port gigabit switch is used on the radio site as well.

I'd be very grateful for tips on how to track the error (obviously I have checked 5GHz QRM with the Nanobeam's Airview tool, but it seems fine), and I have some questions:

1) Is there any way to analyse the radio-site connection remotely?
2) Are there any tools to analyse the datastream? I mean to try and see what sorts of packets are lost, and if it's possible to see where they get lost?

73 de SM0UXX Erik

Yes, sorry for leaving that out  ::)

I use COM1 for rotator control, so that´s a problem then... (I could of course use the Webswitch for rotator control instead, but not sure if I can run it from my logging program then?).

Many thanks for the reply Mitch,
I haven't had any time to play with this for the last weeks but did another try today. In fact I use the Yeasu twin setup, so the control radio is connected to COM2 on the RRC. I have tied all virtual RRC COM ports to a value below 10. For example 'RRC Virtual Comport' is set to COM5.
If I select "Use USB Com Port as COM2" (under serial settings in the control RRC), I can actually set the frequency from N1MM+ - but I get an error message "Invalid CAT data" in the program. Also I can't control the radio at all by the control side radio with this setting.

I have probably missed something essential here  ;D

Thanks for the answer Mitch.
I might have missed some basic things, but I'm not sure how I set it up. Obviously there are some virtual com ports installed when the control RRC is connected to my computer with USB. COM 2 on the RRC is connected to my control-side FT2000, and is set up as "logical parallel with COM0" - should this rather be the Yeasu/Kenwood/etc mode?

Hardware, Cabling, Installations / USB as COM0 (for N1MM)
« on: 2017-10-14, 10:05:55 »
Hi all,
I have read posts and the manual on how to get the CAT from my FT2000 work on my N1MM+ (from local radio).
The thing is that I use COM1 for rotator control, so if I use the mode 6 desceibed in the manual the rotator don’t work. Then I have tried to use the USB as com port 0 option instead. But when I chose ”Use USB Com Port as COM0 = YES” and apply, it’s automatically reset to =NO when the rrc has rebooted.

EDIT: Serial settings for COM2 is "Logical parallel with COM0"

Any ideas?

Uppdaterar själv då det kanske kan vara till någon annans hjälp i framtiden.
Dock kan jag inte bjuda på någon bra lösning med Technicolor routern. Jag lyckades inte få det att fungera, och i brist på tid och tålamod bryggade jag sk*ten och satte min gamla Linksys WRT54 router efter istället (inget krav på högre hastighet så den får fungera).
Då fungerar allt, med undantaget att Telia verkar spärra port 80, så fick sätta en ny port för webservern i RRC-1258:n.

På det lilla jag hunnit testa känns anslutningen betydligt stabilare än via ADSL i alla fall.

73 de Erik

Jag har nu installerat länken bestående av 2st nanobeam M5. Upptäckte att det finns port forwarding i Telias router trots allt (som Micke skriver är inte gränssnittet helt lätt att förstå). Forwardingen funkar för alla webservrar - jag använder webswitch, RRC1258 samt RC1216H. Dock får jag SIP-fel när jag försöker start radion. DNS status säger OK.
Har testat diverse portar för SIP utan framgång. Har inte hunnit felsöka så mycket ännu. Men tips och idéer mottages tacksamt.

Konfiguration av Routrar och Brandväggar / Dela Telia fiber
« on: 2016-03-27, 22:21:31 »
Mina föräldrar bor endast c:a 50 meter från mitt sommar-QTH där jag har min remoterig-setup. Nu har mina föräldrar dragit in Telias fiber-bredband till sitt hus, och jag tycker det känns onödigt att jag då kör på ADSL för dyra pengar. Tänker istället försöka koppla in mig på deras fiber och köra trådlös överföring med t.ex. ett par Ubiquiti Nanostation M5.
Frågan är bara om det kommer fungera? Min tidigare erfarenhet av "operatörsspecifika" routers och switchar är att de ställer till med problem så fort man ska göra något mer än att slösurfa in på Aftonbladet... Ska väl inte måla f*n på väggen innan jag försökt iofs.

Någon här som har erfarenhet av att köra Remoterig med setupen nedan?

1. Mediaomvandlare, och integrerat med mediaomvandlaren sitter en Inteno XG6846 switch. Denna har uttag för bredband, IP-telefoni samt IP-TV.
2. Därefter kommer "Telias" router, Technicolor tg799vac. I setupen går det inte att göra något "avancerat", inte port-forwarding osv. Dock kan man välja DMZ på routerns LAN4-uttag.

Kan det fungera att köra DMZ på routern, koppla in min trådlösa överföring och sedan köra min router med tillhörande Remoterig-utrustning? Eller bör jag istället hänga på ytterligare en switch innan mina föräldrars router?

Tacksam för erfarenheter, tankar och kommentarer!


General discussion forum / Re: RC-1216H issue with Acom 2000
« on: 2014-01-20, 20:16:53 »
OK, ja så kan det säkert vara. Det är riktigt dålig upp-hastighet på mitt sommarstuge-ADSL. Oftast hackar ljudet t.ex. när jag ansluter till RC-1216H. Ska se om Telia kan få till upphastigheten lite (typ 0,2 Mbp/s, medan det är c:a 6Mbp/s ner).

General discussion forum / Re: RC-1216H issue with Acom 2000
« on: 2014-01-18, 10:16:25 »
Here is the system info;
Company   : Microbit
Product   : RC-1216H
Software  : 4.0
Hardware  : 1
Bootloader: 1.9
Build     : Oct 31 2013 16:13:14

Interesting enough, it has now been up over 10 Days without restarting. BTW I haven´t used the amplifier much during that time. Seems like it only makes problems when relays are on?

General discussion forum / Re: RC-1216H issue with Acom 2000
« on: 2014-01-13, 19:59:57 »
I have not been enough active for the last week to evoke the error more than once. At that time I can confirm the RC1216 restarted (based on uptime).
I attach a screenshot of my ping settings, but the way I understand it they are set to off? Or did I mess something up?

73 de Erik

General discussion forum / RC-1216H issue with Acom 2000
« on: 2014-01-07, 12:07:49 »
Hi all!

It seems that my RC-1216 is shutting down the amplifier if the internet Connection is closed for some time. Is it programmed that way, or is it a malfunction?
First I thought it was only the amplifier "falling asleep" (as you know a common issue in the Acom2000 firmware), and I had to manually switch off the main power of the amplifier. Then I added a relay to the mainpower, and now I see that RC1216 switches off the main relay too. This normally happens if I lose internet Connection for some minutes, or if I close down the web browser containing RC1216´s webpage.
Is there some way to keep the RC-1216 in on-state even if internet Connection is broken? Did I miss some settings? I see the ping-settings, but I could not find any documentation on it... 

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: DESPERATE!
« on: 2012-12-29, 08:26:34 »
I think mine is a Zyxel P-660H-D1 Triple Play (haven´t looked at it for a long time). I run it as a modem only and have my WRT54GL after the modem. I guess any simple modem should work (probably better if it does not have gateway functions etc).


Uppdaterade till firmware 2.65, och då kan jag inte ansluta till radion. Det går fram "svarstoner", men inget händer efter detta. Radion lyfter inte telefonluren helt enkelt 
Allt fungerar utmärkt med firmware version 2.62 och tidigare (jag har inte ändrat något annat än att byta firmware mellan testerna).

Kör Yaesu twin RRC´s tillsammans med Yaesu FT-2000.

Har jag missat någon inställning som gör skillnad i senaste firmware jämfört med tidigare?

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