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Messages - dj0qn

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 149
Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: problem connect local network
« on: 2022-04-03, 15:16:31 »

am besten kannst du mit mir direkt in Verbindung setzten: dj0qn (at) darc (dot) de.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: SSB Audio Echoes in Headphones
« on: 2022-02-26, 02:12:46 »
Also make sure that you have the monitor turned off (and sidetone on CW). The latency will cause lots of
problems when remote.

If you need to monitor your audio remotely, use a local receiver if possible. It could be that your audio is not really
garbled, listen to make sure.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: help me please
« on: 2022-02-18, 14:22:01 »
Hi Luis,

Most likely your problem is related to not using the correct SIP contact (the external IP address or dynamic DNS address), and/or
the port forwards are not setup correctly.

Send me a short email to dj0qn (at) darc (dot) de and I will send you my networking checklist to walk you through the installation.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX

The microphone audio and PTT is done in hardware, i.e. the red straps inside of each RRC.

It appears that somewhere there was a mistake in the wiring. It must match that provided on
page 115 of the manual. The Icom is however the easiest one with the wires just going straight
across, so perhaps one or more of them are not installed correctly. Use an ohmmeter to see if all
are connected properly. When installing, never use your fingers, instead hold the strap with
needle-nose pliers just above the start of the insulation and gently push into the hole. If the wire
gets bent, throw it away and set a new one.

I hope that this helps.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX

Sorry to hear that you can't get TR4W to work. I am not familiar with that program. I suggest you get
in touch with the developer to see if he can solve your problem. It is highly unlikely that Microbit would
be willing to modify their firmware for one program.

Another possible solution would be to add an S-Box:
You can email N6TV to see if it would be a solution to your problem.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: No Audio - Flex
« on: 2022-01-16, 21:03:42 »
You can not do that, otherwise the client will not know which RRC to connect to.

1) You must make the second set unique, e.g. 13011, 130012 and 130013, 13003, 13004, 13005 or similar.

2) This must be in both the server and client RRC's. Use a second profile in the control RRC for the second RRC
and its port numbers.

3) This second set of port numbers must be forwarded in the router to the second radio RRC's internal IP address.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: No Audio - Flex
« on: 2022-01-16, 19:23:19 »

When you cloned the configuration from the first set of RRC's to the second set, did you change the three UDP port
numbers? these need to be unique between sets of RRC's.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX

Hi Nick,

After reading your message several times, I have to admit that I do not understand your problem
or question.

It isn't clear to me for what and why you are using the FTDI cable. Where is that cable going to?
Understand to make CAT work on COM1, then the RRC must have "set COM1 to USB" turned OFF
if using a serial cable like the FTDI. You set it to NO if using the USB cable only between the RRC
and computer.

I am not sure if this helps, since I don't understand what you are asking.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX

Hi Nick,

Using the K3-Twin, COM2 is blocked for the communications between the two K3's. This leaves ONLY
COM1 for CAT. You set COM1 on both RRC's to Mode-7.

This allows CAT on both RRC's in parallel. You can run for example a sync to amplifier on the rig side
and a control program on the control side. The baud rates do NOT have to be the same as COM2!

I hope this answered your question.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX

Hi Nick,

The problem is related to the Windows USB driver. I suggest two things:

1) You replace the Prolific cable with one using the FTDI chip.

2) You should take a look at the following presentation and implement some of the suggestions:

Especially starting on pages 26-35 once you replace the cable and deinstall the drivers per the instructions in the presentation.

I am pretty sure that it will work afterwards.

As an alternative, just use the RRC's built-in USB to serial adapter instead of an external one. All you do is plug-in a USB cable and then
set COM1 to USB in the RRC's web page. Make sure that you first installed the serial drivers when installing the Microbit Setup Manager before
plugging-in the USB cable.

If you want to save money, try the second method before buying an FTDI cable, but still use the presentation's suggestions to modify the RRC's
serial settings. It most likely will also work for you.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: need COM0 understanding
« on: 2021-12-20, 18:57:30 »
Hi Patrick,

No one ever said it was intuitive  ;)

Keep in mind that this hardware needs to support many types of rigs and they are all different. Once installed, it runs
for years without a problem.

AF is not carried over USB, only serial channels over COM1 and COM2 and FSK/Winkeyer support on COM4/COMEXTRA.

You need a "real" serial cable between the rig and COM2 on the radio RRC, but on the control side it is no problem to use
COM2 for CAT using USB. If you need a second CAT port, you can set COM1 as described below.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: need COM0 understanding
« on: 2021-12-19, 20:46:52 »
Hi Patrick,

Not necessarily. On Icom radios, that is a correct assumption. On other radios, it is the channel
used to connect the two RRC's. If one is using a CAT connection between them as the "twin"
configurations require, then COM0 becomes irrelevant. If using a radio that has a proprietary
connection between the two, such as the TS-480, then it becomes important. So your answer
is "it depends".

I assume that you are using a pair of TS-590's in twin mode? If so, then you are using COM2 to
connect the two over their CAT ports. So to enable CAT, you set COM1 to duplicate CAT by setting
it to mode 6 or mode 7 on both RRC's, depending upon how you want to use the CAT port(s).

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX

Hi Jorge,

That would have to be addressed by Microbit. Is your status page showing an error message?

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


You are confusing me. Your first posting said that you needed to setup DDNS, now you are saying that
you didn't need that.

I really do not understand what you need, so I will just give general information that may help:

To setup DDNS on your radio RRC to report your public IP number:
 - Go to the Dynamic DNS settings tab (radio RRC only)
  - Change the check interval to i.e. 10 minutes
  - Make sure the drop-down is on RemoteRig's service
  - Click on apply changes

To use the DDNS address to access your station (after port forwarding):
- On the control RRC, place the information from the radio RRC's "own host name" on the Radio Settings tab under SIP contact.

This information was copied out of my Networking Checklist, in case you still have a copy.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX

Hi Jorge,

I am not sure if I understood you 100%, but I think you are saying that you replaced the router on the
radio side.

If so, then all you need to do is to reconfigure your new router to forward the ports to the radio RRC's internal
IP number. Nothing else is needed to be changed and nothing at all at the control RRC side.

The radio RRC already has the RemoteRig DDNS setup (I assume), which just tells the control side (in the SIP contact)
your current public IP address. This doesn't make any difference what router is being used.

If you are using a VPN, then you would use the internal IP address as the SIP contact instead.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX

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