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Messages - W2SM

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Thanks.  The WAN IP address is  I think this confirms that there is no external IP address so this router can't be used with Remote Rig. 

Am I correct on that?


Configuration, RRC 1258 / Remote set-up
« on: 2016-11-03, 12:46:27 »
I've had everything working on my LAN and am trying to set it up now on the internet (there are potential router problems, but that is separate issue),

I've been following the instructions outlined in the manual.  In step 16 on page 12, I move the remote RRC to the local network at the remote site and connect a PC (different one than I used on the LAN setup).  I download the setup manager, but it can't find the RRC unit.  I have changed cables, etc to make sure that isn't the problem.  Any idea what is going on here?



I doubt if getting a different router is an option since this is the only one they provide and it is set up with their sim card.

I have done some searching on the net and found that indeed the router can do port forwarding..... Huawei calls it virtual network.

However, to Mitch's point about the external IP number, I can ask their "technical expert", but since he didn't know that that the unit could do port forwarding, I'm skeptical of any answer I might get.  Is there some actual test I can run that will tell me the answer?

I'll also check around with some of my contacts here to see if any of the folks in the IT/telecommunications field know about the IP number.

If nothing pans out, I guess I'll have to look into the cost of getting wired internet service to the shack.


I have a Huawei B315s-22 modem/router.  It is a wireless modem and works extremely well.  I have to use this to connect to the internet as I have no hard wired internet access at my remote shack location.

I've set up my K3 etc with the RRC's on my LAN at the control site and all works well.  However, when I try to configure the router for the remote location, there doesn't appear to be any settings that allow for port forwarding, or any of the other setting I would need to change.  Has anyone had experience with this router, and if so, how did you go about making the changes? 

I talked to the local provider (Digicel) tech rep and he said he wasn't aware of any way to do port forwarding.  However, his focus is clearly on voice communications, so I 'm not sure of his knowledge level.  On an island you sometimes don't get the best!

If the router can't be changed, is there any work-around or am I just SOL?


Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: K3 mini RRC CW Keying
« on: 2016-09-11, 15:04:03 »
Yup -- I've been switching between my regular setup and the RRC setup as I work to get it going and the last time I moved things around I guess I plugged the keying cable into the paddle input instead of the key input.

Thanks es 73,


Configuration, RRC 1258 / K3 mini RRC CW Keying
« on: 2016-09-11, 03:01:29 »
The keying is crazy.  The dots seem OK, but the dashes are basically the same length as the dots.  Makes it pretty hard to work anyone!!

I can't seem to find anything in the Keyer settings which would impact this.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: profile vs exporting BIN file
« on: 2016-09-11, 02:53:18 »
Thanks Mitch.

It'd be nice if there was a command that let you set a profile for both the Control and Radio settings at the same time.  Maybe a future version will do that!



Configuration, RRC 1258 / profile vs exporting BIN file
« on: 2016-09-10, 21:20:47 »
Is there any major reason to save different settings in Profile as opposed to exporting a BIN file?



No, I don't have the old settings.  However, this was a new install, and I think the only settings I changed were the radio and IP.

Teamviewer is up and running and you can take a look if that helps..... ID 120 376 633   Password 6817



I had a feeling that I might have screwed up a setting, so this morning I reset both units to the factory settings and started anew.  I can "see" both units and their IP addresses in the set/up "find" window of setup manager, so I think they are communicating.  I also made sure that the radio settings were set for my K3.  After having done that, the situation is worse!

When I turn on the mini, the k3 still doesn't turn on, and now after it is turned on manually, the mini can't control it.  I've checked the cable and it seems secure.  I even connected my regular micro ham USB III device to make certain that there wasn't a problem with the K3 acc jack and it worked fine, so that is ruled out.  Unless there is a hardware failure, which is hardly likely, there must be some settings that still are not correct.

Any suggestions as to what could be happening here?



I've had the K3 Mini working over my LAN to my K3 without a problem.  All of a sudden, when I turn the Mini on, the K3 doesn't come on.  If I turn the K3 on manually, then the system works fine..... I can control everything from the mini.... including shutting it and the K3 down.  However, when I go to turn it on again, the same thing happens .. the mini fires up but I have to turn the K3 on manually.  And once I do, the system works perfectly.

I've checked and double checked all the settings and cabling, and they seem correct to me.  Anyone have an idea what is happening?


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