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Messages - EA1HET

Pages: [1]
*** SOLVED ***

Root Cause Analysis

  • When I try to use the UR6QW 5 Band EQ the control-RRC does not provide the power the EQ unit requires to work.
  • When I do PTT in SSB and the rig enters TX, a carrier is generated but it's not modulated (due to the lack of power in the control-RRC). Yaesu FT-857 generates a carrier without modulation or rather a electronics component noise, but, the fact is that this carrier or electronic noise disappear if you move several meters away of the antenna field.

Hope this helps.
Best regards,


While using Yaesu rigs, if you want to use a preamplified microphone or an EQ (like EQPlus or UR6QW) power is taken from the Yaesu RJ45 Microphone. As of today it's not possible to use them without extenal mods to get power.

It would be interesting the control-RRC to provide +5VCC in the correspondent RJ-45 pin.

Best regards,


Hi Mike,

Thanks for the clarification. Any configuration option, internal mod or jumper change that can allow me to get that +5VCC in the RJ45 connector?

Thanks in advance.
Best regards,


Hi there,

I started a thread on the general forum and after researching a bit I think I may be close to the root of the issue. The question here is: Does the RRC control unit (the one I have close to my FT-857D frontal) provides VCC (+5V) on the RJ45 connector (labeled AUX/MIC) ?

Thanks in advance.
Best regards,


Hi Mike,

Thanks for the quick answer.

I'm using audio mode 2 (16bit, 8kHz), that was I asked. OK. weird situation. If I press the microphone I'm sending a carrier with noise but not with my modulation.

I'll use the EQ unit removing the RRC to check it it's working as expected.

Best regard,


General discussion forum / Voice processing at control-RRC ?
« on: 2018-02-05, 13:50:16 »
Hi there,

My RRD solution is working currently with a FT-857D. I want to use my 5 band equalizer with compression (a device by UR6QW) which is a device that sits in between microphone and rig, and I thought it was not working because of the rig configuration (processor level, mic level, INRAD filter in TX). After putting all elements affecting microphone to default state I keep on having issues.

The question is: Does the control-RRC do any kind of voice handling/treatment/modification that can affect the original sound being injected by the AUX/MIC connector?

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,


That makes more sense now.

I thought, as you mentioned, that CAT is an essential part of the RRC solution. My question here is, If I do this, Control-RRC unit is yet able to communicate with radio-RRC, leveraging SIP communication, right?

Many thanks in advance.
Best regards,


Hi Mitch,

Currently the RRCs are working without CAT on a computer with the FT-857D.

a) The radio-RRC is cabled (and is working) on the FT-857D body.
b) The control-RRC is cabled to the FT-857D frontal and it's working.

I'm not sure if I understood fine, but, should I follow your steps, I'm sending the CAT signal over the RRC-to-RRC link for a computer on the control-RRC side, which is exactly the opposite to what I'm pursuing :)

Best regards,


Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: Twin RRCs and VPN
« on: 2018-02-03, 22:51:57 »
Hi mate,

You can use a lightweight VPN like L2TP to get to your network or you can simply open ports in your router. You only need 3 ports to work (13000, 13001 and 13002). Not so risky I think if you switch off your RR Radio unit when you are not operating remotely.

Configuration, RRC 1258 / USB with CAT on Radio Unit side
« on: 2018-02-03, 22:38:06 »
Hi there,

I'm new to this forum and this is my first post. My name is Jonathan, my call sign is EA1HET. I'm a happy user of the product. I have a pair of RR units working with a FT-857D, but due to the fact my shack is built I'm using them on a slightly different way than other colleagues. I've been digging for the info but I'm a bit lost. Therefore, I'm writing asking for your collaboration.

First, the question: Can I configure RR Radio Unit USB port to carry out CAT to a local computer placed in the shack?

Now, details: My shack is separated approximately 50m from my home. Between shack and home I have a fiber optic line carrying out data communications. At each extent, I have 1 RR unit (radio or control) and 1 KVM IP unit (tx or rx). At home I have a flat screen, mouse, keyboard, the RR Control Unit and the FT-857D frontal. In the shack, I have all the rest, including in "the rest" the only computer in regard to radio use.

Hope my explanation can illustrate, even briefly, the reason why I want to take the CAT signal from the RR Radio Unit to the computer. In case the above explanation is not enough I'm attaching a shack design schema. 

I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards


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