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Messages - Robert Kile

Pages: [1]
You are not the only one. I am using Tailscale and have exactly the same issue. I can log into the router and the RRC Control and Radio Boxes but can not initiate radio turn on, control and audio. It is very frustrating because I am trying to get away from crap cellular connection that has a Static IP. It seems that RemoteRig does not behave very well with their signaling system and no one seems to want to give any details on it's execution.

The Control box generates a short burst of data to the Remote box and it does not wait for a response. I have watched the local network and Tailscale traffic using Wireshark but have not been able to see what happens at the remote end yet. These VNC networks do have dedicated internal IP and they are capable of establishing the best route. Tailscale is based on Wireguard.

If I had a suggestion to adapt RemoteRig to modern times  by implementing a web server with the same functionality using plug in modules for rig control. It would seem like a better option than floating s small stateless UDP packet for turn on around the network.
Bob W7RH

Feature Requests / RemoteRig and CGNAT compatible
« on: 2021-09-07, 19:32:27 »
As designed the RemoteRig control end calls the radio box either on a static IP or dynamic DNS. I've run into a situation whereas a decent Internet connection is reversed. My home is virtually a Static IP and the remote is is CGNAT or double NAT. It seems that a rework of internal software could fix the issue. The home control unit would become a server and the remote radio control box would ping and connect by VNC allowing access to all the ports internal for audio and control. Any thoughts?
Bob W7RH

General discussion / RRC Micro 1274B Bin Upload failure
« on: 2018-12-19, 22:06:32 »
 When following on-line procedure for 1274B bin File update. Goes through the motions but does not save in Microsoft WIN8.1
Any ideas?
Answer after reading NXP CRP forum post. It's working. The file name firmware.bin stays the same. It is a place holder for the chip.

Bob, W7RH

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