General discussion forum / Re: Paralleling a keyer output with RRC keying at the remote site
« on: 2024-01-06, 21:43:35 »
Hi Dennis,
Yes it will work fine for you. The Radio-end RRC-1258 keying output is an open-drain FET with a series 100ohm resistor, to give plenty of isolation from your external keyer box on the same line. Both will happily independently key up the Elecraft K3 radio.
Remember to set an 'LF Delay' value in the 'Keyer settings' of your Control-RRC1258, so that the K3's audio CW sidetone, delayed by the network connection, doesn't disturb you as you operate your paddle key. The locally-generated sidetone from the Radio RRC1258 works well.
I suggest you start with the following 'Keyer settings' values in your Control-RRC1258, then experiment to see if you can shorten them and still have good on-air remote CW keying without jitter.
LF delay: 350 ms
Key delay: 150 ms
73 and good luck in your Multi-Station 160m CQWW activation.
Yes it will work fine for you. The Radio-end RRC-1258 keying output is an open-drain FET with a series 100ohm resistor, to give plenty of isolation from your external keyer box on the same line. Both will happily independently key up the Elecraft K3 radio.
Remember to set an 'LF Delay' value in the 'Keyer settings' of your Control-RRC1258, so that the K3's audio CW sidetone, delayed by the network connection, doesn't disturb you as you operate your paddle key. The locally-generated sidetone from the Radio RRC1258 works well.
I suggest you start with the following 'Keyer settings' values in your Control-RRC1258, then experiment to see if you can shorten them and still have good on-air remote CW keying without jitter.
LF delay: 350 ms
Key delay: 150 ms
73 and good luck in your Multi-Station 160m CQWW activation.