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Messages - IN3ASW

Pages: [1]
General discussion forum / Re: FSK audio monitoring
« on: 2018-10-07, 19:17:04 »
HI All,

I want to mute , or at least lower at minimum ,  the RTTY sidetone when  transmitting in FSK.
I tried various combinations of these settings :
- RTP tx mode
- Disable Audio tones
- Audio tones (level)
- Full duplex
on the control side, but no luck..


General discussion forum / Re: FSK with MMVARI ?
« on: 2017-02-20, 21:01:00 »

I'm using Logger32 , SO2R,  FT1000MP local and TS480 via remoterig and MMVARI works OK.
Be sure to use FSK8250 to control COMExtra port on RRC.



General discussion forum / Re: Config issue. Please help.
« on: 2013-09-25, 07:12:38 »
the Microham BD is supposed to work "is series" between the radio and the pc or RRC and IS completely transparent, so no  additional ports are required, no matter if you use the 480 head or RRC micro at the control site . Mine is driving an RF-Power HVLA700(Y) which accepts the Yaesu BCD protocol. No issues/delays/etc at all.

73's de Gianni IN3ASW

General discussion forum / Re: Power failure?
« on: 2013-06-28, 10:22:48 »
it happened to me once that after an RTTY QSO with full power, the remote RRC crashed in a similar way, due to RF feedback, probably.  The problem was the first chip (4 Pin) just behind the DC plug (can't recall the IC type). I substitute with 2 x VK200 inductors and it solved my issue.
Hope this helps.


Gianni IN3ASW

glad to hear you got it working.

BTW, reversing Pin 2 and 3 isn't enough for a null modem cable. You have to do it also for RTS & CTS (Pin 7,8) and DSR & DTR (Pin 6,4)

Gianni IN3ASW


from the manual you can see that COM1 is a DCE (TX  on Pin 2) , whereas COM2 is a DTE ( TX on Pin 3) . ERC is a DCE, so to connect to COM2 you need a Straight-through/Modem cable.
Hope you find the attached picture useful.


General discussion forum / Re: AUDIO HAS LOTS OF CUT
« on: 2012-10-01, 15:29:21 »
The blinking led is irrelevant, as it indicates a lack of internet connection "just after the control RRC has finished booting" , and doesn't stop even if the connection is resumed
My led is always blinking,also with the remote end connected, because the RRC boots faster than my router. Nevertheless, connection works flawless.


Hi All,

I'm using COM2 with the following params on both boxes :

Mode 5 (user def term)
Terminator : 0D

With the Prosistel Software, I also had to increase the "Rotor timeout"  to 10 seconds.
Although the "read parameter" function seems to work ok, do NOT try to write parameters to the control box with this software via remote, as it will mess up the whole settings and you win a trip to the hill..

Just wanted to share my experience, as it was not that straight forward to get things working.


After having the Easy Rotator Controller working perfectly on RRC COM2 with the Yaesu 1000SDX , I wanted to have it on the RR1258 USB COM2 instead.
Having tried all the combinations, the only (strange) one that works for me is :

Control RRC                                                                                         Radio RRC

Com2 Mode = 5 (user defined terminator)                                          Com2 Mode = 3 (char-timeout)
4800,N81                                                                                            4800,N81   
Com2 Terminator = 0d                                                                        Com2 Terminator = 0d
Use USB as com port = Yes

Only issue , using any of the 4 direction buttons |<<  < > >>|  will start rotation, but won't stop anymore until the mechanical
end-stop CW or CCW, while mouse click-and point works fine.

Any feedback out there please ?

Hi All,
having said that :
- I've got both FSK and CW working with 2.41
- did no hardware/cabling/software mods on both Radio & Control site

after upgrading both RRC's to 2.46 and SetupManager to 1.12, neither CW nor FSK worked.

CW was easily fixed, enabling "PTT activated by Keyer" on RRC Radio

On FSK, I had PTT keying the TS-480 ok, but only a continuous tone coming out

I read the manual carefully 
I re-checked the MMTTY settings in order to eliminate all EXTFSK references
I read the manual more carefully

No way .. PTT was keying, but always a fixed tone came out.. ( yes, I was monitoring my HF signal, not the speaker  ;))

To make a long story (night) short, I got it finally working, switching OUT2 on "Baudot/Inv" instead of OUT1 (see my previous post )

Sure I'm using Pin3 on Radio I/O , as before

I read the manual more more carefully  ;D

from the V2.41 User Manual :

Radio RRC /I/O connector:

Pin no
I/O (RJ45)
1 IN1, active low (CW-Keyer right-paddle)
2 IN2, active low (CW-Keyer left-paddle)
3 OUT1, open collector
4 IN0, active low (only available at Control-RRC)
5 OUT0 open collector
6 OUT2 open collector
7 8V OUT (max 100mA)

I read the NEW (Release A16 2011-nov-01) manual  ???

Pin no
I/O (RJ45)
1 IN1, active low (CW-Keyer right-paddle)
2 IN2, active low (CW-Keyer left-paddle)
3 OUT2, open collector (parallell with PAD Tip at Radio-RRC)
4 IN0, active low (only available at Control-RRC)
5 OUT0 open collector
6 OUT1 open collector (parallell with PAD Ring at Radio-RRC)
7 8V OUT (max 100mA)

Clear now, OUT1 and OUT2 swapped ...  ;D
(come on guys ... it was 3:00AM  :D)

So, READ the NEW manual CAREFULLY !

I particularly appreciate the new RTS keying function. Before I had troubles, as "PTT via Radio command" often didn't work.
Thanks ! My whishlist is empty

Gianni IN3ASW

General discussion forum / Re: FSK
« on: 2011-10-06, 15:11:29 »
you're right, but in my case I've also a cable that connects the rig to the amp, that is :

miniDin 8                     Amp
Pin4 (MKE)  ----------  Relay
Pin2 (COM) ----------  GND

So Pin 2 goes to GND at the amp side, that's why I used the same connection.

I made other QSO's in the meanwhile and I have to mark the "Inv FSK" in EXTFSK 1.05 in order to be copied correctly. (see my previous post)
( ... yes, I checked the "FSK keying polarity" (Menu 42) which is set to "OFF/Normal"  ;D )

All in all, Remoterig are unbeatable Black Boxes.  SSB, CW, FSK ,CAT without computer , reliable and unmatched !

Thanks Jan , you know how to make Hams happy ...   :-*

Gianni IN3ASW

General discussion forum / Re: FSK
« on: 2011-10-04, 00:54:00 »
Mitch & Marcelo,

I just finished to test my setup with FSK. It works !

Here's what I did ..

Control site PC:
- connect USB cable , you get 4 virtual COM ports
  RRC1258 COM0 (COM7)
  RRC1258 COM1 (COM8)
  RRC1258 COM2 (COM9)
  RRC1258 COMFSK (COM10) **

  ** as MMTTY only supports EXTFSK COM1 trough 8,  I had to remap COMFSK from COM10  to COM4 )

Control RRC :
- in I/O settings  - set USB DTR as CW - select "COM FSK"

Software :
- MMTTY (in Logger32) is set with Radio PTT option "DTR Keying" and Serial Port  "COM4"
- EXTFSK 1.05 - FSK Output - "DTR"   

Radio RRC :
- IO Settings - OUT1 mode "Baudot/45"

- IO RJ45 connector - Pin3  (Out1) ----- TS480 Remote mini din Pin 8 (FSK)
  IO RJ45 connector - Pin8  (GND ) ----- TS480 Remote mini din Pin 2 (GND)

I had my first QSO with NL7G, which pointed out I was inverted, although the radio was in FSK and not FSR, so probably I have to mark the 'Inv FSK" option in EXTFSK 1.05.

Gianni IN3ASW

althought not using GPRS or UMTS, my "small" HiperLan 5Ghz WIFI ADSL link @ 1Mb/256Kb with a Linear 12bit/8Khz Codec at the Radio site works perfectly. Guess that with slower links you need to reduce the audio quality.



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