Thanks Mike,
I increased all the buffering to MAX. So far the stutter is behaving.
I see what you are talking about with the lag, but it's by no means unusable. As long as you know it's going to be laggy, it's very usable. This paticular radio is not my main base unit that I sit at and search for contacts, it's just a novelty radio that I put up at the TV station. The VHF/UHF antenna is up about 400ft. It's fun to play at that altitude. The HF antenn being over the TV station is way too noisy to be comfortable with. With that in mind, I usually just twist the dial very little. It mainly sits on one of two VHF stations. The lag is not an issue using it in thay manner. Put it this way. I would rather have my antenna at 300ft with lag than have my antenna at home in my attic (deed restricted neighborhood).
When we went digital with feeds over the internet at the TV station, we went from almost instant response from our field reporters to about 4 seconds. We thought it was going to be the end of the World and unusable. After we finally accecpted it, and realized that nobody really noticed, we work around it on every live shot.
I will do some more testing with different settings to see what the limit is and let you know. BTW, what continuous bandwidth does it requre to keep a nice flowing stream?
73 de Michael