I am using WebSwitch 126H model HAM, hardware 1, and firmware 4.4, dated 12June2014 with Rotor Control 1216L-3. The rotor is a Yeasu with grouind-to-actuate relays for CW and CCW rotation and an analog output which seems to run from 0 to about 3.6 volts.
When I first connected it, everything worked fine. After a few minutes, I see the following behavior:
Pushing and holding CW key turns it red briefly, then back to green, with CW and CCW labels grayed out, followed shortly by normal labels. The rotor does not move.
Pushing and holding CCW key works normally, most of the time.
I am able to move the rotor to anywhere I want by entering a preset and hitting enter or GO! That is, it wil move either CW or CCW as necessary.
Any suggestions?
Thanks & 73,