Newbie to forum, K3, Remote Rig - probably only enough computer & network experience to get myself into trouble but do know some.
I've read a post that mentions using a remote K3 locally on a LAN and also remotely from another location.
Am I correct in understanding that after adjusting the preset local LAN default settings (from Elecraft) of the radio-end control box, it is possible to set up one or more remote location K/0 with control-end boxes to use the K3 while not affecting (adversely) operation of the K3 from the local LAN K/0? In other words, one set of settings on the radio-end box will work "well" for both control scenarios.
I've come to believe, through inference, that by setting the proper ports and timing settings, etc. one can accomplish this successfully for the K3 or other RemoteRig compatible radios. They may opt for a different radio.
I am proposing such a system as a solution for a local medical facility and want to ensure the concept is viable and need a confirmation soon. Appropriate installation help will be sought at that time.
I will also be incorporating use of the K3 optional two antenna port capability and the RemoteRig serial port to control either a Green Heron or HyGain serial controller to run their HAM-IV rotator. They only have two multi-band antennas. Thank you for any insight to such a project you may provide. I will continue to search the prior postings for related information.
Thank you for any insight to such a project you may provide. I will continue to search the prior postings for related information. Feel free to answer in the Forum and/or directly.
Kimo KH7U