Hi Mike,
Did you change the advanced settings on the RRC? This isn't clear. If so, this should not affect anything with the operation of CAT or N1MM+. If you changed the serial settings, then something may have to be reversed, but certainly uninstalling N1MM+, etc. should be unnecessary. Here I would need more details, e.g. your settings files on both sides as HTML files (menu: export to HTML). I can see if there is a problem in a few seconds.
If you previously were able to access your RRC's web page remotely and can no longer do so, due to a power outage, then you likely either:
a) You are not using the dynamic DNS support and the IP number was changed
b) or you had the RRC using DHCP to get an internal IP number from the router and that was changed, so the port forward(s) need to be changed
My direct e-mail address is dj0qn (at) darc.de if you want direct help.
Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX