I have setup a remoterig link between my house and our ed3x contest station
The remote side is in the middle of a rural zone
There is an internet connection provided by a radiolink.
The bandwith should be: 2mb uplink / 10mb downlink
At home I have 30/300 fiber link
Audio transmission is great
Audio reception is 90% ok but I n otece some short cuts every 10 to 15 seconds
I have been adjunsting jitter settings and this is the best I am able to obtain as far as I know
Current vaues are:
Audio quality: 2- Linear 16 bits 8 khz (going to 0 - Alwa 8 khz doesn't improves it)
Rx jitter buffer size: 10
Rx jitter delay: 3
Audio packet size: 20 ms
Both sides
Can you advice me about a nore "scientific" method of getting to the best situation?
I suspect that the "little" problem is caused by the jitter introduced by the 2mb uplink of the radiolink
Thanks in advance