Author Topic: Using HRD with K3 - Setup problem  (Read 12337 times)


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Using HRD with K3 - Setup problem
« on: 2012-06-11, 08:25:15 »
I have the networking issues figured out and can connect everytime.  I hear the audio fine and I can key the transmitter with no issue.

My issue:  I am having problems now launching the HRD program with the K3.  I have read through the various posts and I am connected appropriately utilzing the cables purchased from Elecraft.  The COM2 port shows up in Device Manager.  I am using serial to serial connectors on the radio RRC side.  I am using a USB connector to the radio. This maybe the area where the problem exists.  I am stumped once again.

In the near future I am transitioning to a twin K3/100 system and I hope that I don't have so many issues with the twin like I have with two boxes connected to a laptop.

Here are my settings:

Radio RRC Info
Name   Value
Company   Microbit
Product   1258
PID   4
Version   5
HW   6
Software   2.57
Bootloader   1.8
Compiler   4.6.2
Build   Apr 26 2012 13:23:28
ROM/RAM   431176/56404
ETH-RAM   2944 (max 3kB!)
ResetSrc   0 [3]
Uptime   195
Serial number   3754
MAC address   00:1e:fd:01:85:4a
IP address
Wi-Fi network   Not connected
Unit ID (Banner)   
DHCP   0
Dns server
Extern IP/Host
Eth-type   5
Web page user   
Web page pwd   
Program mode   4
Control panel   0
Sip password   dqaady6q
Sip contact   
Auto connect   0
Audio quality   2
Audio dual-rx   1
Codec out gain   255
Codec inp gain   0
Codec inp HPF Hz   3
Codec inp preamp   1
COM0 baudrate   9600
COM0 data bits   8
COM0 stop bits   1
COM0 parity   0
COM0 Program mode 3 char timeout   2
Use USB Com Port as COM0   0
COM1 mode   0
COM1 baudrate   4800
COM1 data bits   8
COM1 stop bits   1
COM1 parity   0
COM1 rts/cts   0
COM1 terminator (hex)   00
Use USB Com Port as COM1   0
COM2 mode   4
COM2 baudrate   9600
COM2 data bits   8
COM2 stop bits   1
COM2 parity   0
COM2 terminator (hex)   00
Use USB Com Port as COM2   0
UDP cmd port   12000
UDP audio port   11000
SIP port   5062
Web server port   8080
Telnet server port   23
Rx jitter buffer size   9
Rx jitter delay   8
Audio packet size (ms)   20
Continuous RTP tx   0
Debug level   0
Disable audio tones   0
Full duplex   0
PTT-off mute delay   0
IP Type-of-Service (dec)   0
Yaesu power-on/off   0
Elecraft advanced   0
Dynamic DNS check interval   30
Dynamic DNS host name   1
Own host name
Username   rrc1258-3754
Password   dqaady6q
Enable   0
Speed wpm [0/10-40]   0
Iambic   1
Paddle reverse   0
Weight [25-40]   30
Side tone hz [0,300-1500]   800
Side tone -db [50-0]   20
Lf delay ms [0-500]   0
Key delay ms [0-250]   0
PTT activated by Keyer   0
PTT tail delay ms [0-999]   0
Speed pot min wpm [5-99]   10
Speed pot max wpm [5-99]   40
IN0 mode   0
OUT0 mode   0
OUT0 mode   0
OUT1 mode   0
OUT1 mode   0
OUT2 mode   0
OUT2 mode   0
USB RTS as PTT   0
USB DTR as CW   0
Enable ping watchdog   0
IP address to ping   
Ping interval (seconds)   300
Startup delay (seconds)   300
Failure count to reboot   3
1: Name (SSID)   
1: Password (PSK)   
2: Name (SSID)   
2: Password (PSK)   
3: Name (SSID)   
3: Password (PSK)   
4: Name (SSID)   
4: Password (PSK)   
5: Name (SSID)   
5: Password (PSK)   
6: Name (SSID)   
6: Password (PSK)   
7: Name (SSID)   
7: Password (PSK)   
8: Name (SSID)   
8: Password (PSK)   
Name   Value
Radio   OFF
Connection status   OK
SIP status   Connected/transfering
Last SIP error   None
RTP status   Excellent(59)
UDP cmd status   OK(40)
SIP command timeout   0
Rx Jitter buffer size   9
Rx Jitter delay   8
Dual Rx   1
Current audio packet size   20
Current audio quality   2 - Linear 16 bits 8 kHz
External IP
SIP Out port   60778
SIP In port   5062
Audio Out port   52750
Audio In port   11000
Command Out port   34380
Command In port   12000
External SIP In port   5062
External Audio In port   11000
External Cmd In port   12000
Other party
Input 1   High
Input 2   High
Output 0   Low
Output 1   Low
Output 2   Low
Dynamic DNS status
Ping status (watchdog)   Off
DNS status   OK, =
Active profile:   Default
PTT status:   OFF


Control Info
Name   Value
Company   Microbit
Product   1258
PID   4
Version   5
HW   6
Software   2.57
Bootloader   1.8
Compiler   4.6.2
Build   Apr 26 2012 13:23:28
ROM/RAM   431176/56404
ETH-RAM   2944 (max 3kB!)
ResetSrc   0 [3]
Uptime   207
Serial number   3777
MAC address   00:1e:fd:01:85:61
IP address
Wi-Fi network   Not connected
Unit ID (Banner)   
DHCP   0
Dns server
Extern IP/Host   
Eth-type   5
Web page user   
Web page pwd   
Program mode   4
Control panel   1
Sip password   dqaady6q
Sip contact
Auto connect   1
Audio quality   2
Audio dual-rx   0
Codec out gain   255
Codec inp gain   18
Codec inp HPF Hz   3
Codec inp preamp   1
COM0 baudrate   9600
COM0 data bits   8
COM0 stop bits   1
COM0 parity   0
COM0 Program mode 3 char timeout   2
Use USB Com Port as COM0   0
COM1 mode   0
COM1 baudrate   9600
COM1 data bits   8
COM1 stop bits   1
COM1 parity   0
COM1 rts/cts   0
COM1 terminator (hex)   00
Use USB Com Port as COM1   1
COM2 mode   4
COM2 baudrate   9600
COM2 data bits   8
COM2 stop bits   1
COM2 parity   0
COM2 terminator (hex)   00
Use USB Com Port as COM2   1
UDP cmd port   12000
UDP audio port   11000
SIP port   5062
Web server port   8080
Telnet server port   23
Rx jitter buffer size   9
Rx jitter delay   8
Audio packet size (ms)   20
Continuous RTP tx   0
Debug level   0
Disable audio tones   0
Full duplex   0
PTT-off mute delay   0
IP Type-of-Service (dec)   0
Yaesu power-on/off   0
Elecraft advanced   1
Dynamic DNS check interval   0
Dynamic DNS host name   0
Own host name   
Enable   0
Speed wpm [0/10-40]   0
Iambic   1
Paddle reverse   0
Weight [25-40]   30
Side tone hz [0,300-1500]   800
Side tone -db [50-0]   20
Lf delay ms [0-500]   0
Key delay ms [0-250]   0
PTT activated by Keyer   0
PTT tail delay ms [0-999]   0
Speed pot min wpm [5-99]   10
Speed pot max wpm [5-99]   40
IN0 mode   0
OUT0 mode   0
OUT0 mode   0
OUT1 mode   0
OUT1 mode   0
OUT2 mode   0
OUT2 mode   0
USB RTS as PTT   0
USB DTR as CW   0
Enable ping watchdog   0
IP address to ping   
Ping interval (seconds)   300
Startup delay (seconds)   300
Failure count to reboot   3
1: Name (SSID)   
1: Password (PSK)   
2: Name (SSID)   
2: Password (PSK)   
3: Name (SSID)   
3: Password (PSK)   
4: Name (SSID)   
4: Password (PSK)   
5: Name (SSID)   
5: Password (PSK)   
6: Name (SSID)   
6: Password (PSK)   
7: Name (SSID)   
7: Password (PSK)   
8: Name (SSID)   
8: Password (PSK)   
Name   Value
Control panel   OFF
Radio   OFF
Connection status   OK
SIP status   Connected/transfering
Last SIP error   None
RTP status   Excellent(60)
UDP cmd status   OK(41)
SIP command timeout   0
Rx Jitter buffer size   9
Rx Jitter delay   8
Dual Rx   0
Current audio packet size   20
Current audio quality   2 - Linear 16 bits 8 kHz
SIP Out port   5062
SIP In port   5062
Audio Out port   11000
Audio In port   11000
Command Out port   12000
Command In port   12000
External SIP In port   5062
External Audio In port   11000
External Cmd In port   12000
Other party
Input 0   High
Input 1   High
Input 2   High
Output 0   High
Output 1   Low
Output 2   Low
DNS status   OK, =
Active profile:   Default
PTT status:   OFF



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Re: Using HRD with K3 - Setup problem
« Reply #1 on: 2012-06-11, 10:00:46 »

I think the problem is in your cabling. You said that you were using "Elecraft supplied cables", but that is only relevant for the K3 Twin. These cabling will not necessarily work with a stand-alone K3, although I am not sure how you are doing this.

Just make it easier on you:
- Connect a simple serial cable between the K3 CAT and COM2 on the radio RRC
- Use the USB port on the control RRC for HRD

This should be all you need to get this working.

Note that you will need to rewire everything and change some settings when you receive the K3/0.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: Using HRD with K3 - Setup problem
« Reply #2 on: 2012-06-11, 15:32:56 »

It could very well be an issue with cabling though these cables were recommended by Elecraft for my setup. 

I did have this working ok with my FT450 before but the cabling was simpler, but I still had issues with Low audio ouput and ALC to the PA of that rig. It could only drive like 5W.

I sent you an email with the setup jpeg from Elecraft.




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Re: Using HRD with K3 - Setup problem
« Reply #3 on: 2012-06-11, 16:24:52 »
Hi Keith,

I wrote you direct, but here is my reply for the forum:

The kits from Elecraft were designed to work with the K3 Twin, not with a stand-alone K3 being controlled via software.

Most likely the serial cable on the radio RRC is correct - a straight through serial cable.

The supplied cable for the control side would be a null modem cable with pins 3 & 5 and 7 & 8 crossed. You would therefore have a problem if you attempted to use this cable for CAT control over the control RRC. Since you are apparently using USB for CAT, this is not the problem. Since the connectors on the null modem cable are different, you have not used this by accident on the radio RRC, which would also cause this not to work.

I didn't notice a configuration problem, but maybe I messed something. Bottom line is I would need to log onto your computer to try to figure it out, assuming it is not indeed a cabling problem (unlikely).

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: Using HRD with K3 - Setup problem
« Reply #4 on: 2013-08-05, 16:28:16 »
Did you ever get CAT control of your K3 to work?
I am having the same trouble with a new remotrig.

Larry KB0R


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Re: Using HRD with K3 - Setup problem
« Reply #5 on: 2013-08-05, 21:26:56 »
Yes, he is a happy camper now.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: Using HRD with K3 - Setup problem
« Reply #6 on: 2013-08-06, 01:20:53 »
Thanks for the reply.
I think I will try using COM1 but need to get the right gender connectors on the radio end.
Years ago I had a box full of com cables but now can't find the ones I need.

All the reviews I read lead me to believe this would be a piece of cake.

Hate to go out a buy a k3 twin, but now been leaning towards a TS-480.

Larry  KB0R


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Re: Using HRD with K3 - Setup problem
« Reply #7 on: 2013-08-06, 19:44:14 »

It actually is quite simple, but sometimes people have problems. You see only a tiny
amount of problems out of many in use on the forum, it really is quite easy.

I don't understand what you mean.....the twin and TS-480 are very different animals
and have different requirements. If you have any specific questions, just drop me a mail
directly at dj0qn (at) I have run most RemoteRig configurations and can advise you.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX