I have been contacting the home station my using xxx.ddns.webswitch.se:81/ for a couple of years.
This morning using ddns.webswitch.se I get a "page not found".
Attempting to address the amplifier, I also get "page not found." If I enter the address in the URL numerically as
xx.xxx.xx.xx:81/ I get the expected face of the rotor, and I can manipulate it. Simularly for the amplifier.
When I "display system info" for these devices, I get "Last dynamic DNS status error code=13". I do not know what meaning this has.
I also hit the "restart device" but afterwards things were unchanged.
Now the bigger problem:
Normally I click the power switch on the rotor icon, and everything I need becomes powered on. Live update is green. Then I push power on for my transceiver, and in a few seconds, contact is made and all is well. However today I am getting the three tones Low, Middle, High from the RRC-1258 indicating some connection is not being made. I think this is "failure to connect" tone.
1. Is there anything I can do from here (Control) to trouble shoot this?
2. If I send someone in my home location, what should they look for?
3. Why is ddns.webswitch.se not working?