Author Topic: Can I use IC-R2500 with RRC1258 and remote control SW (e.g. Bonito RadioCom 6)?  (Read 10253 times)


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I've tried succesfully the R2500 with RRC1258MkIIs and the icom supplied remote control panel.

My problem is that the functionalities through the remote panel are limited and via sw it is easier, more user friendly and more functionalities are available (e.g. the signal spectrum).

So, I'd like to use a software (?) + the RRC1258 (better the RRC micro PC client) to control remotely my R2500.

Unfortunately, as you may know, ham radio deluxe (HRD) does not support the R2500 and any trick described on the net to mask it as a PCR1000 (supported by HRD), under win 7 does not work at all.

the ICOM original provided SW cannot be used, since it has proprietary USB drivers that require the receiver to be plugged on locally on the laptop on which the sw is executed, so another option vanished. On this regard, I tried succesfully to remotize the USB (thorugh a specific sw), but not the 2 COM ports (commands and audio), that is what RRC should be able to do ...

So, now my idea is to try to use another sw I just purchased, th Bonito RadioCom 6.x, that I have not yet installed and tested, but I understood it should just use a com port for CV-I commands (I'd like to use that one provided by the RRC1258 as shown in a generic Icom CV-I configuration) and then the audio, that should be covered by the RRC itself (maybe, I should pass it to the laptop sound card, and use it with the RadioCom 6?).

Any suggestion from your side?

If this configuration could work, it would e wonderful.

Thx in advance for any help you would like to provide me.


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It impossible to say in advance. It depends of how the software handles the serial ports

73 de mike