Hi All:
I had to take down my HF remote for resetting purposes.
I thought this would be a good time to update the firmware as well.
I have the 2 devices on my lan and Yaesu FT-450 connected to the Radio RRC but the 2 devices can't talk to each other.
I have the ports opened up on my router and have the following IPs.
Control RRC,, Radio RRC,
The external IPS are my ISP's assigned Ip of 142.xxx.xxx.xx.
On the Radio RRC, I have my Dyn DNS info configured as well and can reach the RRC by typing in my DYN DNS host address.
I have my serial set to Yaesu but I think I'm missing just a couple of more little things and can't think of them.
Some help would be appreciated.
TNX & 73:
Michael De VO1RYN