Dear OM's,
I'm trying to setup the Micro-PC dongle to use it with MixW or HRD DM780's.
My initial thinking was to use Virtual Audio Cable from Eugene Muzychenko that should work fine.
And it does partially: fine Rx but no Tx and this is because something goes wrong on the setup and I don't know why.
Here's what I do:
I create 2 virtual cables in VAC
In the RRC setup I choose VAC1 as speaker and VAC2 as microphone
This causes the following error message related to VAC2:
Couldn't open sound device Virtual Cable 2
(and, well, a large message with a "GetVolumeControl failed" among other strange texts)
If I change the microphone to Microbit then it works fine but for sure I've got my Tx signal in the dongle microphone
and I don't want that. I don't want a physical cable doing a loop back to the computer soundcard. I rather would like
to have a VAC2 injecting that signal by software to the dongle.
On the other side, VAC1 works fine with superb reception results and no physical cables: for sure I could do also that
on the Tx side, couldn't I?
Has somebody tried and resolved this question?
Tks & 73 from Daniel, EA3GEO