Hi Mike
Tnx again for your answer, very helpful indeed and now the Control RRC WiFi connection with the ADSL APs is OK.
My still remaining problem is with my LUMIA WINPHONE, where the Control RRC WiFi is connected as guest and IP is received OK, but the PWR LED on RRC does NOT stop blinking. BTW, I have already changed SIP, CMD and AUDIO ports to 13000 series.
I check my 3G net (COSMOTE GR) with MICROSOFT TestMyNet tool and found that at least the following ports are open for direct access: 21/FTP, 22/SSH, 25/SMTP, 53 /DNS, 110/POP3, 139/NETBIOS, 143/IMAP, 161/SNMP, 445/SMB, 465/SMTP SSL, 585/SECURE IMAP, 587/AUTH SMTP, 993/IMAP SSL, 995/POP SSL, 5060/SIP, 6881/BIT TORRENT, 5223/IOS,
5228/ ANDROID, 8080 HTTP PROXY. The only currently blocked port for direct access is the: 135/RPC.
Also no any difference activating or not the RRCs DHCP.
Can you advice any further, pse??
73 Costas