I´m trying to use RRC MKII with latest firmware to remote my 857D.
Connection from control unit via WiFi to an Android tablet with WAN.
Radio unit cabled to ISP via router.
Port forwarding and DynDNS seems to work OK.
Power to RRC:s is from separate wallwarts supplying ~16V with load.
Power to rig is separate Samlex 20A supply.
Both RRC:s boot up and after some seconds both get a steady green led on the front panel.
When i press the power button on the remote front panel:
- Yellow led lits at RJ45 connector on both RRC:s
- Power relay in rig klicks on and after less than 1 sec off.
- Display flashes backligt and goes black again.
- The yellow leds go black after some second.
This can be repeated many times, so nothing "hangs".
I can not see that the RRC resets, because the green leds stay lit.
If i connect the front to the rig it works as expected.
73 de -SXA