it looks like I tested and installed the RRC Micro PC Client already a while ago, but I never really used it because I have a RRC-1258MKII standing here and I am using mainly the RS-BA1 Remote Control Software from Icom to controll my Transceiver.
But now I have the feeling the RS-BA1 is a little too slow - the update of the screen regarding the Signal strength and so on is delayed. when I am using the RS-BA1 to connect to the remote station (have a PC placed there which is connected via USB to the IC-7200 to control the transceiver too) its responding like a charme. BUT: I cannot CW remotely with the Icom Software. AND: I cannot use the remote control and the Logbook at the same time. Therefore I wanna use the RRC but I need another control software which is a little more responsive.
Therefore I wanted to test again the Micro PC Client - but after install it tells me the trial has expired. How can I test it one more time?
Please help!