Hi all:
I'm absolutely stuck.
I've got all my equipment setup here in my apartment for a dry run test and I can't get any thing with regards to audio out of my Control RRC unit.
Here's what I have done.
1. Radio RRC Unit:
Proper power supplied. External speaker jack on rig connected to the radio RRC speaker jack.
Pad jack on the radio rrc connected to rig's Keying jack.
Keying jack configured to use straight key operation as per instructions.
Radio RRC's RJ-45, strapped for my Rig's Mic jack as per instructions, connected to rig's mic jack with supplied cable.
Radio RRC connected to rig's RS-232 jack with proper 9 pin serial cable.
Radio RRC connected to LAN. Radio RRC configured to talk to my DYN DNS host.
I can browse the web server and make changes. So that's working.
2. Control RRC:
Proper power supplied. PC connected to Control RRC by USB to serial Adapter.
CW paddles connected to Control RRC's Pad jack. Headphones connected to Control RRC's speaker jack (
I can hear the unit's hiss and CW side tone.
Desk mic connected to the Control RRC's RJ-45 jack, again strapped for my rig's mic as per instructions.
Control RRC connected to my LAN. I can also browse the web server and make changes.
So Control RRC appears to be working.
I can't connect with HRD and I'm not hearing any audio what so ever in my headphones from the rig or can't activate the rig's PTT with my mic through the Control RRC.
In effect, I don't think my 2 units are communicating with each other.
I do have my Control RRC's Ip configured to talk to my DYN DNS host but perhaps its supposed to talk to the Radio RRC through another IP address
I also have my ports opened up for the proper protocols.