Control unit occasionally uses default port numbers (1300X), not the ones I have set (1500X) under Advanced Settings / Ports. However, the port numbers *displayed* using the web interface for the Control side remain the ones I have set; these never change. When this problem occurs, the Control unit hangs and will not reconnect (even if I manually hit the Connect button). The Control end must be rebooted/restarted. Proved this yesterday while sniffing IP traffic. The Control was using 1300X towards the remote site (as the destination port) even though it has always been set for 1500X.
The attached snip was from the control (left side) while the right shows what was coming into the remote router at the radio side.
The radio end uses NAT (WAN incoming Port 1500X> NAT > LAN Port 1300X) since we have another Radio RCC there using the 1300X series ports. Control end is a public IP, no NATTing, firewall, etc.
Not yet sure what creates this condition. I had cycled power at the Radio end when it occurred. But I cannot reproduce this. Yet, this continues to occur every few weeks or months.
Using V2.91. The Source (173.) and Destination (208.) are from the Control end (208. is the remote site). Remote site router is only listening for 1500X. Packets are dropped at the remote Radio site.