So I have been using a remote rig for a long time and always able to figure out the issues with it. Yesterday I bought a SingaLink from Tigertronics, plugged it into the data port of my TS480, and since that time yesterday afternoon, the entire link went down.
I cannot access the radio side remotely or even locally via USB at all. I have checked the radio side RRC, its settings, and nothing is abnormal there at all, yet the remote connectivity comes back saying "failed to read reply." I know it's not this hard seeing when HDR was version 5 I could do it all day long. The local serial connection with radio side RRC concerns me the most, I was right plugged in and none of the virtual COMs that came start it up at all.
Only things that changed were this SignaLink and an error of my netmask being the the gateway for my router.......why this had totaled and brought down the link, I am at a loss now. Yesterday morning I had full control and today, nothing.
So when I head home, nothing but SIP errors now. All ports are forwarded on my router. All cables for panel, mic and serial communications, all as they should be. SignaLink is still connected, which I don't think should make a difference.