On a recent business trip I took the Control RCC and the TS480 Control Panel with me. I operated as often as I could in view of my busy schedule. Upon returning home I upgraded the FirmWare to FW2.34. About two weeks after that I wanted to demonstrate the RCC system to my son who was spending the weekend home from university. I could not get the system to respond. I thought that, perhaps, the FW upgrade had been corrupted so I re-installed FW 2.33. The system still did not work. I have tried everything in my limited knowledge, including checking the cables. In desperation I am attaching tables containing the status of the Radio RCC as well as the Control RCC, all connected with the TS480 within my LAN. I did not change any parameters after my business trip. Is there a way to connect the Radio and Control RCC's together to see if they will provide connectivity? I need help. I have another business trip coming up.