Remote Rig

RRC 1258 Support in English => General discussion forum => Topic started by: CT1EAT on 2013-09-18, 23:46:41

Title: Config issue. Please help.
Post by: CT1EAT on 2013-09-18, 23:46:41

Hi all

I'm in the process of setup my remote station.
The equipment is a Kenwood TS-480SAT + microHAM band decoder + Yaesu Quadra amp.
In order to switch bands, the 480 needs to connect serial port to Band decoder RS-232 port.
If I control the radio via the front panel, no other COM connection is needed.
However, if I RRC-Micro PC client, I will need the radio CAT connected to RRC-1258, right?
So, how should I do it?
1. Use Band decoder PC port to connect to RRC-1258 (I've read this port is not fully transparent)
See more here!topic/remotebase/CTRVEMjiY9w
2. Use a RS-232 splitter and connect the radio to Band Decoder and RRC-1258 Com port at same
3. Something else?
Thanks in advance for help.
73 F.Costa, CT1EAT
P.S. BTW, I will need one COM port on RRC1258 to connect a rotator 
Title: Re: Config issue. Please help.
Post by: sm2o on 2013-09-19, 09:36:30
Yes if you want to use the RRC-Micro you must connect COM2 to Radio-CAT port. Then connect the MicroHAM to COM1 and set COM1 mode to 6 or 7 thats the best solution but then you do not have com1 for the rotator. But the rotator can be controlled via our Webswitch or another serial over IP box. A Passive RS232 splitter/combiner is not recommended.

73 de mike

Title: Re: Config issue. Please help.
Post by: CT1EAT on 2013-09-19, 19:36:48
Hi Mike

Thank you for reply.
Looks like I have a problem, because I already bought a diferent webswitch.
Now, either I buy your webswitch, or a serial over IP box.
So, what's the best solution?

73 F.Costa, CT1EAT
Title: Re: Config issue. Please help.
Post by: OH2FT on 2013-09-22, 09:00:35
Hi, I'm running a microham band decoder (discontinued) between RRC and K3. It takes a few seconds, but then changes bands nicely. No issues with rig control through it with HRD. In my case the band decoder is driving band relays and a W9xt-card for converting ABCD signals with the help of a home made resistor system to proper DC signal for controlling ICOM IC2KL linear. Your Quadra might be happy with ABCD signals. Microham sells such a system (cable), but the circuit is also shown on their web page; not a difficult one.

Joni OH2FT
Title: Re: Config issue. Please help.
Post by: IN3ASW on 2013-09-25, 07:12:38
the Microham BD is supposed to work "is series" between the radio and the pc or RRC and IS completely transparent, so no  additional ports are required, no matter if you use the 480 head or RRC micro at the control site . Mine is driving an RF-Power HVLA700(Y) which accepts the Yaesu BCD protocol. No issues/delays/etc at all.

73's de Gianni IN3ASW