Remote Rig
RRC 1258 Support in English => Configuration, RRC 1258 => Topic started by: Billmorton on 2015-05-15, 16:39:19
I have my Remote Rig up and working just fine for several years (FW2.85 on both sides) first with an Icom 706 and now with Icom 7100....till now. I decided to try to use Com Port 1 to communicate with a Power Master meter at the remote site. I turned on Com 1 set it to Mode 3 in both the control and Radio box. Changed the Baud rate to 19200 on the meter and the two Remote rig boxes (8N1 unchanged). I changed the setting in the power master software to reflect the 19200 and the FTDI com port of 7. At that point I was ready to connect, but can not get a com port connection - radio connects fine. I had both boxes in one location for this test-they connected fine to the radio, just no apparent com 1 communication. To insure cables (Serial and USB/Serial) where correct and good I connected the Power Master through the serial cable and used a gender bender to connect to the FTDI serial to USB cable I would be using - it connected fine to the software. I have changed from Mode 3 to Mode 1 on both boxes - no change, still no connect. Don't see where any of the other modes would be applicable? I use an Icom 7100 so not using any of the com ports currently.
I know I must be missing something....just not sure where to go from here? Any help would be appreciated!
Be aware of the pin config of COM1 as both are Female and have the same pin config, you need to make the cables with that in mind. Mode 1 and 3 are the correct modes to test with
73 de mike
So are you saying a straight 1-1, 2-2 etc, 9 pin cable M-F factory cable is not correct? It almost sounds like you are saying Null Modem?
I will check the pin out - is it not standard?
To test as I indicated I did use a gender bender to connect the 9 Pin serial coming from the power master to the 9 Pin USB to Serial (FTDI chip) and that communicates. Just when I hook the two 9 Pin male ends to the Remote rig Boxes I get nothing.
I can't find my 9 pin LED indicator for a com port (for some reason I have two 25 pin ones) or I could provide more information on transmit and rec.
Problem Solved
It did take what amounts to a Null Modem at the radio side. reversing pins 2 and 3. Using standard cable at the control unit. Now the Power Master is talking and working just fine. Should have thought about the reversing the DB9 tx and rec - Thanks Mike for pointing me in the right direction.