Remote Rig

RRC 1258 Support in English => Configuration of Routers, Firewalls, etc => Topic started by: Mike Cotton - K4RUM on 2016-03-31, 00:04:25

Title: How to consistently find my Radio RRC settings?
Post by: Mike Cotton - K4RUM on 2016-03-31, 00:04:25
I've been using my setup successfully for about a year and a half (RRC-1258 MkII).  I'm using a host name of, and I've never had a problem with the Control RRC and the Radio RRC communicating with each other (and I'm not having a problem with that now).  Apparently mistakenly, I thought I could enter that host name into the computer that I use with the Control RRC and access my Radio RRC settings.  This works only sporadically.  I assume this is because the IP address of the Radio RRC changes, but every so often it changes to the address that my control-side computer likes. 

What do I need to do to always access my Radio RRC settings from my control-side computer?  I'm not experienced at all with networking and I'm afraid I'll screw up something that actually works ok now.

Any advice?  Leave well enough alone?
Title: Re: How to consistently find my Radio RRC settings?
Post by: dj0qn on 2016-03-31, 00:16:27
Just turn the Microbit Dynamic DNS service on in the radio RRC and use its address as the
SIP contact in the control RRC and it should always work.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX
Title: Re: How to consistently find my Radio RRC settings?
Post by: W1UE on 2016-03-31, 13:09:41

Another option is to use a program like Teamviewer and take control of a computer at the Remote site (I'm assuming there is one there).  Then you can browse it whenever you want.

Dennis W1UE
Title: Re: How to consistently find my Radio RRC settings?
Post by: Mike Cotton - K4RUM on 2016-03-31, 21:08:03
Thanks Mitch and Dennis.  Dennis, that works (I've done it),  but I had not used the Microbit Dynamic DNS Service address in the SIP contact in the control RRC.  I've made that change.  Thanks again.
Title: Re: How to consistently find my Radio RRC settings?
Post by: Mike Cotton - K4RUM on 2016-04-20, 20:01:42
Mitch, I want to see if I have done this correctly now that I have access again to the Radio RRC.  In the Radio RRC's Dynamic DNS Settings, I have the

1. check interval set for 10;
2. the DDNS Host name shows as;
3. Own host name shows (the xs represent various letters and numbers);
4. Username shows as rrc1258-xxxx; and
5. Password shows the password.

In the Control RRC, in the Radio settings I have the Sip contact identical to the own host name.  In the Control RRC, under Dynamic DNS Settings, I see "no settings available for this device."

FYI, I changed the port number on the Web server port on both the Radio RRC and the Control RRC to 81, but I did not include the new port number after a colon on either the own host name with the Radio RRC or the Sip contact with the Control RRC.

Question:  should the password generated in the Radio RRC Dynamic DNS Setting be the same as the Sip password in the Control RRC's radio settings?  If so, should the Radio RRC Dynamic DNS Setting's password be used as the Control RRC's Sip password?

Thanks again for your help.
Title: Re: How to consistently find my Radio RRC settings?
Post by: dj0qn on 2016-04-20, 23:11:37
Hi Mike,

- The SIP password is one you make-up for security purposes and has no relation to the dynamic DNS password

- The port number for the web server is ONLY to be used with a browser and has no relation to to the SIP contact. Do not ever
add a port number following a colon to the SIP contact! (The SIP port is a different number and is used differently by the RRC).

- The control RRC will not have dynamic DNS, since there is no logical need for it.

Otherwise, looks like you are set.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX
Title: Re: How to consistently find my Radio RRC settings?
Post by: Mike Cotton - K4RUM on 2016-04-20, 23:39:01
Mitch  --

Again, many thanks.