Remote Rig
RRC 1258 Support in English => General discussion forum => Topic started by: EA6BF on 2023-11-09, 21:33:49
Suddenly my RemoteRig boxes do not communicate.
I used for tests several day ago (over a dummy load) and worked fine through a paddle and through DXlog, great.! Today I wanted to test again and surprisingly they do not communicate.! I have touched nothing nor anything has been modified so I don’t know what could happen. I connected through internet and have seen a SIP error in the Status in the control box, but is correct, the same I had before the issue.
Maybe something has changed in the Radio box and that the reason of the NO communication.? Tomorrow I will check SIP, etc and see…
Any help is welcome to solve the problem.
GM Josep
You did not say how you linked the boxes together. If you used IP addresses, check that they didn't change. If you have DHCP checked for the Remote radio, your IP address may have changed, and the Control box has the wrong IP address to find.
Just a thought.
Dennis W1ue
Thanks Dennis,
It was a fools issue.! I thought I do not need the Speaker cable connecting the box with the radio. As soon as I connected, I had audio.! So all solved by now.!