« on: 2012-08-04, 01:12:58 »
hello all. have several slight problems but lets take care of one at a time. on my Control rrc, when i plug in the power cord with or without cables connected to the unit it will freezes up and the 2 lights on the mic/aux jack stays lit. I am unable to log into the unit at all. i cant turn on the radio..i cant do anything when waiting 1, 2 etc minutes it just doesnt do anything but, if i disconnect the power cord and plug in the usb cable connected to the computer the unit recycles normally and then i plug in the power cord and will recycle once more like normal and wont lock up. now i thought there was a glitch in the firmware so i installed several times and ever switched to a lower firmware but does the same.
this is the problem...when i leave home and i dont have a laptop and i plug the power to the unit it will lock up and im out of luck so i need to fix this problem. thanks for help.