« on: 2015-08-13, 15:07:41 »
I'm using a RemoteRig with a Yaesu FT-857, on a local LAN. The setup worked great for a long time, but now I can almost never get the radio to turn on. When it does turn on, after a few minutes it will turn off. Here's what I know:
- When I press the power button on the radio head, I hear a beep and a click, and then nothing.
- I can access the web interfaces for both the control and radio side of the remoterig from my desktop computer, which is on the same LAN.
- From the web interfaces, all of the remoterig settings look correct, and I haven't changed them since it was working.
- The DNS Status for the control side shows the correct IP address for the radio side.
- If I disconnect the radio base and head from the remoterigs and hook them together directly, the radio works fine.
Got any idea what's wrong or how to troubleshoot this problem?