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Messages - N4CQ

Pages: [1]
General discussion forum / Re: RR Control Error
« on: 2022-07-15, 12:08:24 »
Thanks for the feedback.  I came to that conclusion after reading some other posts on this subject.  Thanks very much for your help.


General discussion forum / Re: RR Control Error
« on: 2022-07-14, 17:08:32 »
I should add that another user at a different location can access the system.

General discussion forum / RR Control Error
« on: 2022-07-14, 17:05:55 »
My system was working well yesterday.  Today, I cannot activate the system.  The LED power lighton the RR box is flashing slow green.  The manual says that this means that the box is trying to connect to the ethernet.

My internet connection is good.  Other equipment connected to the LAN are working. The ethernet cable is good. I tried another cable.  Same results. There have not been any changes to the RR Control settings.

Any thoughts on the problem or fix?  Does the RR Control box have a problem?


General discussion / Internet "Noise" Problem?
« on: 2020-08-20, 15:01:03 »
My ISP had a major meltdown resulting in a completely new IP setup for me at my station.  I bought a new router to replace a very old one and reconfigured the settings. All was working well with my TS 480 for a while but now I have this "noise" on the system that is not dependent on any setting on the 480 control head - band, mode, even volume setting.  The noise is a constant and more or less rhythmic pulse of about 1000 hz (almost like a string of CW DITS at 20 WPM.)  At times it will go away for a few seconds but returns.

It must be something on the internet connection itself, but I have checked every setting on the router and RR.  Interestingly, the TS 480 is working normally - I can receive signals and transmit except for this background noise which of course makes listening difficult.

Does anyone have an idea of what is causing this problem?  I have an mp3 file that I can send to a private address if anyone can help identify the problem.  Cannot upload mp3 here.

Dave, N4CQ

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