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Messages - K6HP

Pages: [1]
Thanks for the answer. I'll make the changes to get it working.

I believe the TS-480 only has the ability for a 2.4 wide bandwidth on TX. Therefore, it is not going to be easy to modify the audio quality to get a better sound out of the available bandwidth.

You can tailor it, to some degree, with the EQ settings in the radio based on your voice but that is about it. Using a higher bandwidth / quality mic will probably not provide much of a change in the audio quality, to a degree worth the cost.


It appears I mis-read the manual.

So, it is NOT possible to have the serial port on the Control RRC conncted to a computer at the remote location (control head) and connect to HRD to read freq, click on cluster spots and have radio change freq, or any other functions without having the serial cable connected to the radio and the RRC at home?


General discussion / Re: RC1216H - or other control box
« on: 2014-08-07, 00:41:38 »
OK Mike,

Thanks for taking the time to look. I appreciate it.


General discussion / Re: RC1216H - or other control box
« on: 2014-08-06, 10:52:12 »
Thanks for the reply. I was pretty sure that was the answer but had to ask.

Of course, my next question is, does Remote Rig have any plans of making it interface with the Ameritron ALS-1300 at some point in the future?
Thanks again.

General discussion / RC1216H - or other control box
« on: 2014-08-06, 00:40:32 »
Hi to all,

Wondering if anyone has interfaced the RC1216H, that interfaces with the Acom and Expert amps, to the Ameritron ALS-1300 solid state amp?

If so, any info would be appreciated.


I am having similar problem with Verizon 4g LTE modem (the 3g modem worked fine). I get a sip error on the Control side and the usual multi-tone indicating a problem. I had it working once (receive only) but when keying the PTT the sip wouldn't handle the PTT and the radio would go off line.

The 4g modem is a Novatell MiFi 5510L. The router it connects to is a Cradlepoint MBR1200B (allegedly designed for use with 4g modems).

Now, I can't seem to even get the receive to work. I've tried my dyndns service as well as There are three IPs associated with the modem. The public IP (that you see if you do a "What is my IP" search. The DNS server IP and the IP allegedly assigned to the modem. All three are different.
Public IP: 70.211.69.xx
IPv4: 10.171.132.xx

The second and third IPs are from the 4g modem and the first is from the IP search, so it is the public IP generated by Verizon.

If I try doing a port search the results are that none of the ports required are open on any of the three IPs.

The status page on the control indicates that it has the correct IP for the radio(at home) and everything else appears fine. Yet, now I get no connection, even on receive.

If I figure this out I'll come back and let you know what I found.

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: PTT stalls UDP
« on: 2014-05-08, 01:08:53 »
Thanks for the reply.

I currently have the RRC set for continuous while I was trying to find the problem. It didn't make a difference.

I'm going to test it at home with my two DSL accounts but that won't mean it will work on the 4g modem. Any ideas would be great.

Configuration, RRC 1258 / PTT stalls UDP
« on: 2014-05-05, 23:26:46 »
I changed from a Verizon 3g modem in my RV and had to upgrade to a 4G modem. I also changed the router in the RV to a Cradlepoint (I forget model). I had been unable to get the two to talk to each other either thru my dyndns route or thru the remoterig dyndns. I did finally resolve the connection by getting the IP assigned to the modem (which does not match the public IP found by doing a google search for "My IP").

Once I got the IP off the modem and plugged that into the control box the radio was talking to the control box and the control head (TS-480HX) was receiving fine.

However, as soon as I key the mic the unit stops receiving (on un-key) and appears to be frozen. Then several seconds later it turns off.

I'm assuming this is a configuration within the radio or control head Remote Rig boxes. But I have gone thru everything and can't find anything that appears a configuration error. I have also set the Control Head box as DMZ in addition to port forwarding. Nothing seems to work.

The error message on the radio "status" is UDP audio stalled". The status on the Control box indicates no errors and it is disconnected.

Any ideas?


General discussion forum / Re: DYNDNS
« on: 2014-03-21, 20:39:48 »
The drop down is still there however even if I choose dyndns it still fills in the remoterig dns below including IP, password, etc.

When I try to save it as the dyndns it acts like it is saving it but doesn't. I had the same problem on the remote box as well as the home-radio box.

Nothing I've tried has returned it to dyndns.


General discussion forum / DYNDNS
« on: 2014-03-19, 01:41:25 »
I recently upgraded to the latest firmware. Now, while trying to use my DYNDNS account for the IP between the two units, it will only accept the as the dynamic DNS server.

I've used the DYNDNS account for several years with no issue but now I'm forced to use the remote rig DNS. Does anyone know of a fix for this or is there a bug which will be fixed in the next firmware?

I would think that to keep the load on the remote rig DNS server lower having the option of using remote rig dns or DYNDNS would be allowed.


General discussion forum / Re: Reset Login on RRC-1258
« on: 2010-09-09, 22:55:03 »

Thanks for the quick reply.

I guess I didn't hold down the reset long enough.  I did it for 30 sec this time and it worked.


General discussion forum / Reset Login on RRC-1258
« on: 2010-09-09, 22:21:39 »
Can anyone tell me how to reset the login name and password for the RRC-1258?

I tried a reset and also re-loaded the firmware but the request for a password still comes up.

I can't find anything in the manual that removes the login and I can't get into the unit thru the USB port to reset it.

Thanks es 73,

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