« on: 2014-07-05, 21:41:01 »
I am having similar problem with Verizon 4g LTE modem (the 3g modem worked fine). I get a sip error on the Control side and the usual multi-tone indicating a problem. I had it working once (receive only) but when keying the PTT the sip wouldn't handle the PTT and the radio would go off line.
The 4g modem is a Novatell MiFi 5510L. The router it connects to is a Cradlepoint MBR1200B (allegedly designed for use with 4g modems).
Now, I can't seem to even get the receive to work. I've tried my dyndns service as well as ddns.remoterig.com. There are three IPs associated with the modem. The public IP (that you see if you do a "What is my IP" search. The DNS server IP and the IP allegedly assigned to the modem. All three are different.
Public IP: 70.211.69.xx
IPv4: 10.171.132.xx
The second and third IPs are from the 4g modem and the first is from the IP search, so it is the public IP generated by Verizon.
If I try doing a port search the results are that none of the ports required are open on any of the three IPs.
The status page on the control indicates that it has the correct IP for the radio(at home) and everything else appears fine. Yet, now I get no connection, even on receive.
If I figure this out I'll come back and let you know what I found.