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Messages - OH7SV

Pages: [1]
Excellent Will. Good luck.
Matti OH7SV

Good news.

After changing the web page port to a high number I have now got 15 hours of the RRC uptime. Before the change the uptime was only abt 40 minutes. So far, looking very good.

73 Matti OH7SV

Now I have one day uptime :)
Will, what is your situation?

Hello Will,

I am a happy remoterig user. I have been using it for years without problems.

But recently radio RRC started to restart randomly just like you told. I have now examined the case and I believe that the RRC web page is hacked by some robot. When I disabled the web page port forwarding there are no restarts. (I am not using DMZ)

Because I want to access radio RRC with a browser I enabled the web page port forwarding and I changed the IP port number (was 81) to higher than 1000. So far I have not seen any restarts.

Can you do the same test by disabling the web page port forwarding or change the web page port number.

73 Matti OH7SV

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