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Messages - Klaus

Pages: [1]
Hi, Staffan,

thank you for your mail and your patience.

By the way (to prevent misunderstanding):
I feed my "Control-box" at COM1 from my PC and I try to control my FT-847 from COM1 of the "Radio-box". Speed: 9600 baud (also on FT-847).
Until now I do not use COM0.

My settings:
1) Control-box:
Program mode: 3 - FT 8x7, FT 1000x
Sip password:
Sip contact:
Auto connect: Yes
Audio quality: 2-Linear 16 bits 8 kHz
Codec out gain: 255
Codec inp gain: 16
Codec inp. HPF Hz: 163
Codec inp preamp: No
COM0 baudrate: 9600
COM0 data bits: 8
COM0 stop bits: 2
COM0 parity: 0 - off

2) Radio-box:
Program mode: 3 - FT 8x7, FT-1000x
Sip password:
Audio quality: 2 - Linear 16 bits 8 kHz
Codec out gain: 255
Codec inp gain: 0
Codec inp. HPF Hz: 163
COM0 baudrate: 9600
COM0 data bits: 8
COM0 stop bits: 2
COM0 parity: 0 - off

I think our differing Codec parameters are not important for the control of the FT-847.

I discussed my problem with some hams and they did see a possible cause of my problem within the open definition of the RS-232 connections:
are all 0/+5 volts or are there also +/- levels. I am looking now for an oscilloscope to see what happens within the chain between PC and FT-847.

Thank you again very much and best regards.

Klaus, DJ6LE

Hi all,

some more ideas?
The last proposal did not help, RS-232 does not work.

Thanks + regards,


Hi, Staffan,

thank you very much for your mail. What you have told is logical and could be the reason for the failing. I will check it to-morrow.
In between I took an old notebook with RS-232-connector integrated >> same result.
To-morrow I will follow your advice, take this notebook again and remove the crossed "null-modem"-cable.

You gave me some hope.

73, Klaus, DJ6LE

Hi all!

My problem:
I can control my FT-847 from my PC via USB and an USB to serial converter (brand: Manhattan) with "TRX-Manager" and "HamRadioDeluxe".

Closing the chain with the two RRC-1258 I can hear the audio of the FT-847, the LEDīs are o.k. on front and rear but I find no access to control my FT-847.
The above mentioned adapter is connected to COM 2 of the RRC-control unit. Both units are connected via Ethernet. My FT-847 is connected to the radio-RRC via a crossing cable where on FT-side pin 7 and 8 are connected.

Is there anywhere an idea how to find step-by-step where the problem is? I tried all possible combinations from program modes with data speed, CTS, RTS,...
and found no reaction until now.

It could even be that the hardware is not anymore o.k. in the RS-232-data link. But how to find that?

I know there are some happy users with the combination FT-847/RRC-1258
.....  and I would like to become one of those.

Thank you in advance.

73, Klaus, DJ6LE

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