Du måste nog vara mer specifik i din frågeställning om man skall kunna hjälpa dig.
Det finns ingen standard inställning som funkar för alla radio och alla Nätverksanslutningar
Att du bytt dator innebär normalt inte att några ändringar i Remoterig krävs
Om du bytt Routern på Radiosidan så måste portforwarding sättas upp i den nya routern. Ev måste IP addressen ändras i Radio-RRC om den nya Routern inte använder samma LAN IP-addresser
I would like fire my twin on a remote location with my Yaesu 857D. I know long latency times stop this working using the older control of the 857. The latency I get with Starlink is 40ms, but they say can reach 100. Once I attempted to reach australia. before Starlink and and that did not work with a ping of 300ms! What is the max ping time that it could tolerate?
Har inte använt remote på 2 år, har bråkat, nu ny router och ny dator som jag vill få igång. Vilken remote använder jag, har DYNDNS nu. Jag skulle vilja ha inställningarna för CONTROL och RADIO på MkII. Hjälp en gammal man (70 år som amatör och fattar ändå inte) Stig / BKZ
I am using a pair of RR units to key a Flex 6600 at my remote site. Since I am using Flex's own SmartSDR software for radio control and audio, I am only using the RR units for CW.
What settings to do I need to change in the RRs to reduce their bandwidth consumption to the absolute minimum to support CW only?
I don't need the audio transfer or radio control so I would like to disable them if possible.
As I maybe have to do a complete new installation, is there a pdf-manual available?
(of course I have screenshots from all configurations INCLUDING the password - but it does not work any more with that, I think it was the default-one "wlxxxx or so and as user RC-1216 xxx ). I didn't change that.
I never needed a password when doing changes in config - only Submit + "apply changes" and it works - until today, so I am a little bit confused,hi.