OK, did the system work before (with the two RRC:s connected to a hub or switch) before moving the radio end to the remote location?
You need to assign a static ip-address to the remote RRC and you need to configure your router to pass all traffic to that ip-address (this is called DMZ server in some routers). If you have other services at the remote site (web server or IP-phone) you cannnot use DMZ settings. You must configure all of your ports and point them to the IP address of the RRC. Ports are found under Advanced settings in the RRC and should be the same at both ends.
DynDNS is a service you can get by visiting
www.dyndns.org and create a free account to use. When you have done that you need to input the username and password into the routers Dynamic DNS settings. If this is successful you can PING your remote router by the dyndns IP name.
I know that Mike (SM2O) is expecting a TS-2000 for further testing with the remote panel but I don't think he has received it yet.