Author Topic: Elecraft K2 Question  (Read 5068 times)


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Elecraft K2 Question
« on: 2011-06-23, 16:37:23 »
According to user manual from the Radio-RRC COM2 connector to the radios KIO3 module connector (D-sub RS232) you should use a standard RS-232 cable.

According to Elecraft KIO2 Manual it states:
CAUTION: Do not use a pre-assembled cable of any kind (printer cable ect.) between the KIO2 and a computer.  Some pins on the KIO2 provide special signals not intended for use with an RS-232 interface, and you could amage the K2, KIO2, or the computer if these lines are used incorrectly. You must assemble your own K2 to computer cable as explained below.

Am I missing something?  Thanks in advance for your help.