Yes I used the configuration of the cables for the D710 - the front panels for those two radios are interchangeable.
The software in the remoterig boxes in the Kenwood mode does not recognise the power-on command - that is different on the D710 and the TM-V71.
There for on COM-0 I used program mode 3 (that for Yaesus radios) that is transparent, and opens op a connection right away.
I used the telnet debug mode of the Remoterig boxes to see if the serial data was coming thru - that might help you.
The connecetion is not 100% stable - but it works. I tried it from a hotel room in Norway and back to my QTH in Copenhagen Denmark. The network on the hotel was WIFI, so I shared it using my Laptop.
I even tried to use com 2 to control my Yaesu 857, and with some relays and the I/O ports I was able to use both my radios. The Kenwood with front and the Yaesu on Ham radio deluxe.
I have now changed my RemoteRig configuration to use only my Yaesu 857 radio instead that with the new firmware that can move the front too.
Martin OZ1MAR