The RemoteRig guys brought out a cool feature in 2.28 that (as far as I understand)
should allow a the rig's CAT to "loop through" the RRC and out again, as well as to
allow the remote RRC or PC Client to use this CAT at the same time.
We tried this yesterday with a TS-480 and SPE Expert, but couldn't get it to work.
Although I tried various settings, I probably screwed something-up. Here is the scenario:
- Connected TS-480 CAT port to COM1 on RRC
- Connected SPE to COM2 on RRC
- Set radio RRC COM1 to (new) mode 6: CAT to COM2
- Set radio RRC COM2 to mode 4: Kenwood
- Baud rate is set to 9600, since this is maximum the Expert can support for Kenwood
(both COM ports in RRC, as well as in TS-480)
Here is the result:
- The TS-480 and Expert work fine when connected directly together
- The loop through does not work
- When trying with a Y-cable from the TS-480 that goes to the SPE and RRC, the
CAT control dies when plugged into the RRC, but works when unplugged
- Do the COM terminators have any relevance?
- I also can't pick the CAT up over the remote side when using this scenario. I tried
with the PC Client, since it is easier to use in this case
I am probably doing something obvious wrong, so if someone has been able to get
this to work, please advise.
Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX