Author Topic: Having trouble getting CW to work correctly with TS-2000  (Read 13754 times)


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I have had the RRC-1258 MkIIs setup now for about 3 weeks and have really enjoyed working 10 meter SSB during my lunchbreak at work!  So I tried to get the CW setup to work.... going on 1 week working on this and trying to find more info.  I have tried exactly like the Manual says to do it, but it does not work.   I am using the RRC with a Kenwood TS-2000X and an old bencher BY-1 iambic paddle.  I can get the paddles to send a signal that is keying the radio and it is putting out a signal on CW, but it is not what I am sending.  I have the CW monitor volume of the TS-2000 turned down to nothing so I do not hear the TS-2000.  I am only listening to the RRC built in keyer.  The RRC keyer sounds fine on the RRC unit and I can vary the speed fine and all seems to work fine at the remote end.  I use a separate reciever and listen to the TX of the TS-2000.  Depending on what settings I use it will either send dits, or dahs, or any combination of these, but never a dit and a dah correctly. Also the TS-2000 tx signal will not adjust in speed when I use the cw speed control on the RRC unit.  I am at my witts end with this.  I have checked all my cables, changed them, rewired them, and still does the same thing.  I have tried the settings in the manual, and all others I thought might work.  Nothing!!!  Can someone please help me?  A list of all of the settings that someone else is using that works fine with a TS-2000 would be great.  I might have something set wrong on the TS-2000, if someone has a list of the settings for the TS-2000 menu settings that might be nice also.

Thanks in advance.   Greg WQ0P ???
« Last Edit: 2011-10-30, 23:43:10 by WQ0P »


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Re: Having trouble getting CW to work correctly with TS-2000
« Reply #1 on: 2011-10-31, 07:40:46 »
To me it sounds like you have connected the RRC to the paddle input of the TS-2000. You should connect it to the straigth key input. The RRC should be seen as a external electronic keyer producing a straight key signal. If you hear the sidetone from control-RRC it's active, then you should set output 2 in the Radio-RRC to "keyer" if you use standard cables.

73 de mike


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Re: Having trouble getting CW to work correctly with TS-2000
« Reply #2 on: 2011-10-31, 19:17:19 »

     Thanks for the information.  You are correct in your responce that I am using the 1/4 inch three conductor jack on the back of the rig.  Although even with this setup I did finally get it working!  In the TS-2000 there is a MENU 35 "BUG KEY FUNCTION" that was "OFF", I turned it "ON" and it started working fine.
     I will also try the straight key plug once I get a chance.  I did work Germany from Kansas this afternoon on my lunch break.... life is getting better.   

Thanks Greg WQ0P