Author Topic: Exactly what is wrong!  (Read 44273 times)


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Exactly what is wrong!
« on: 2011-11-19, 15:25:02 »
I have owned RRC-Micro for six months and it is useless for me.  It only works with HRD but HRD requires that the radio be ON inorder to connect.  It is unacceptable to have my remote station ON 24/7.  I use the Yaesu FT-2000 and both DF3CB's excellent program FT-2000RC and Yaesu's CAT program PCC2000 will turn the radio OFF/ON but RRC-Micro will not work with these programs.  Microbit please tell us, your customers, why RRC-Micro will not work with any program that uses a serial port and is there any hope that it will ever work.  IT IS TIME TO BE HONEST WITH US!!!!

Russ, W7AO


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Re: Exactly what is wrong!
« Reply #1 on: 2011-11-19, 16:29:39 »
First. I don't know why FT-2000 is not switched on and off by HRD, both FT-950 and FT-5000 that i have used is no problem and they use the same protocol, maybe someone who has the FT-2000 can tell.
About the other PC-softwares I think we have done what can be done in our end to make it work. At least some of them uses old serialport drivers which will not accept the virtual comports without replacing them with more modern ones. For the TRX-manager we have good hope because we are talking with the developer and both we and him know what he need to do, to make it work. The DF3CB program I have never heard about, maybe we can do something together if we get in contact with him. The softwares from Yaesu I do not think we can do anything about, we just have to wait and see if they comes with an update of some other reason. I don't know what you mean about being honest, we are saying that it works with HRD and we do our best to make it work with others also.  We have spending several hundreds of hours testing different approaches but when you can not do debuging from both ends it's very difficult. But we will continue to follow the different softwares, and if there is an opening we will do what we can to make it work.

73 de mike


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Re: Exactly what is wrong!
« Reply #2 on: 2011-11-19, 17:51:06 »
I facing the same problem here and thats the reason i came for help to the forum. I have two Yaesu FT 2000D radio`s buth i whas planning to loggon sometimes with my labtob using the RRC micro. Search the last 2 days for a solution to set the radio remote ON/OFF with my labtop and RRC Micro. I thought that i made a mistake somewhere with te settings buth just read that it is not posseble to switch the radio ON/OFF with the RRC micro. Hopefully there ll be comming a solution. If not i ll probely sell the FT 2000D`s for a other system.

Dimitri  PD1DL


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Re: Exactly what is wrong!
« Reply #3 on: 2011-11-19, 20:17:15 »
Thank you Mike for the fast response. It is VERY doubtful that Yaesu will upgrade PCC-2000.  It is a free program and they have no reason to use resorces to chage it now.  I very much prefer the DF3CB program FT2000RC.  It seems to work with every serial port I have tried except RRC-Micro.  It works with Eltima virtual ports very FB.  Using RRC Micro Version 1.3.1, on my local test bed, I could get FT2000RC to turn the radio on but then nothing.  FT2000RC goes into a loop looking for the radio to report its status.  It never received any data from the radio.  With Version 1.3.2, I can not get FT2000RC to turn the radio on! I think we have the greatest chance for suscess with FT2000RC.  Go to and download a copy and give it a try.  It is free.

I am sorry if I was harsh in my comments but it is frustrating.  Why does RRC-Micro virtual COM port operate any differently than an Eltima virtual port?

Please accept my apolgizes.

Russ, W7AO


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Re: Exactly what is wrong!
« Reply #4 on: 2011-11-19, 21:27:39 »
Hi Mike again,
I have done futher checking reqarding HRD.  I am using V5 with latest update.  When the program starts, there a green connect button in the upper left side in the toolbar.  The radio must be ON inorder to connect.  Once connected, the radio screen comes up and it indeed has a PWR button and that button will turn the radio on and off.  If I could get HRD to start with the radio screen, everything would be Okay but I have not found any way to have HDR boot-up with the radio screen.

Russ, W7AO


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Re: Exactly what is wrong!
« Reply #5 on: 2011-11-21, 09:08:35 »
I have also reported the problem with the PC Client not turning on the FT-2000 a couple of times in the past:;u=276;area=showposts;start=15 (from 9/22)

This appears specific to the FT-2000, and since the guys in Sweden don't have access to an FT-2000, they
haven't been able to duplicate this problem. If Jan and Mike want me to help with some testing, I will be
happy to try to help solve this problem once and for all.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: Exactly what is wrong!
« Reply #6 on: 2011-11-21, 15:32:49 »
To make things clear, the RRC-Micro and the RRC  do not add, remove or interfere it just opens up a channel for the PC-progrsm like HRD to communicate with the radio. So itīs up to the software and the radio to handle this things

73 de mike


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Re: Exactly what is wrong!
« Reply #7 on: 2011-11-21, 16:48:36 »
Hi Mike,

Are you saying then that this is nothing that you can fix, and is a bug in the FT-2000 firmware?

One thing that does puzzle me.....the PC Client does turn the TS-480 on before I connect with
HRD, so are you saying that Yaesu rigs must be turned on instead by HRD? I wasn't aware that this would
behave differently between rig type using the PC Client, so that is why I expected the FT-2000 to be
turned on by the PC Client before connecting with HRD, like it does with the TS-480.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: Exactly what is wrong!
« Reply #8 on: 2011-11-21, 17:41:18 »
Mike said-To make things clear, the RRC-Micro and the RRC  do not add, remove or interfere it just opens up a channel for the PC-progrsm like HRD to communicate with the radio. So itīs up to the software and the radio to handle this things

If this is true, I should be able to remove JMP-3 from the RRC-1258/Radio unit and then FT2000RC should connect and operate the FT-2000 using RRC-Micro EXACTLY as it does using a Eltima virtual port.  This is on a local radio test bed.


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Re: Exactly what is wrong!
« Reply #9 on: 2011-11-21, 19:06:12 »
Hi agn

It does not replace the cable, what i mean is that the system in this mode are not sending any messages created by it self or removing any messages sent by HRD for example. In the case with TS-480 the RRC switch on the the TS-480 if you have set it in the TS-480 mode (5) for using the control panel. Then we know there is a TS-480 connected and can handle it in  a separate way. If you set it up in mode 4 it will not know if there is a FT-2000 or a TS-480 connected and the on/off switching is up to the PC-software to handle. Of course there should be possible to make the firmware in the way you can select what radio you have connected and then send the switch on command automatically when the SIP-connection is up. But I don't know why HRD  don't do it with FT-2000 if does with other rigs ?

73 de mike


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Re: Exactly what is wrong!
« Reply #10 on: 2011-11-22, 13:52:56 »
Thanks for the explanation, Mike, I think I understand the difference now, after reading your
answer a few times.

In my case, My FT-2000 is using mode 10 and TS-480 mode 5 (of course, two different RRC's).
If I understand correctly, the reason the PC Client turns the the TS-480 on, is because of this
special mode 4. Mode 10 requires the CAT software to turn it on, which doesn't work in my case,
or, judging from the other comments, with the FT-2000 at all.

So what are the options to make this work? Is there a work-around that you could implement in
the firmware?

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: Exactly what is wrong!
« Reply #11 on: 2011-11-22, 20:26:13 »
We tested today with HRD and found that the creator of HRD has forgot to include the Power on command in FT-2000 mode. You can test to setup HRD in FT-950 mode then the FT-2000 will start up. Of course there will be other problems using it in FT-950 mode.

We will make a new setting where you can tell the RRC to send the "Pwr On" command automatically when you connect in mode 4.

73 de mike


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Re: Exactly what is wrong!
« Reply #12 on: 2011-11-22, 20:28:32 »
Thanks, Mike, this is terrific! Sorry you have to make up for other software's mistakes,
but we all appreciate it.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: Exactly what is wrong!
« Reply #13 on: 2011-11-23, 15:13:26 »
Thats great news !

We waiting for it and thanks insted.

Dimitri PD1DL


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Re: Exactly what is wrong!
« Reply #14 on: 2011-11-25, 15:34:27 »

there is a new firmware version with support for Yaesu pwr on/off. The function is activated under the Advanced menu. I hope it will solve your problems.

73 de mike