Hi there:
Mike: Nanostation is updated. I'm using it as "Station" because the Access Point is a router, not another Nanostation. I don't know if is going to work if I set it as WDS. When I'll come back to the radio site, I'll try it. The Network Mode is already set it as "Bridge".
Mitch: If you want to take a look to my configuration, don't hesitate to ask me when you see me at Skype.
I know what you mean, but I want to try ddns.remoterig server and my router don't let me (only admits dyndns.org). Also, I don't want to rely on the router, if there's a way to update my external IP automatically without using the router configuration, I would use it.
This afternoon, I was trying some things....I connected using the real external IP in the SIP Control at Control RRC and then, the DNS status in this Control RRC changed to "OK, remoterig.com=, but looking at Microbit DDNS viewer, the IP is not updated.
At Radio RRC, DNS Status is always "Querying Status"
Thanks, 73's