Hi there! I am new user for remoterig stuff and just try configure my first setup. At the moment process is to check radio function in my home network first.
I make my firs QSO:s already and very first everything look's good but after some while, my front panel lose power, radio was still ON an I was able to continue my QSO (without panel), I got audio for speaker, PTT working well and so on, panel stayed OFF and after some minutes also radio turn off..
I have orginal power supply for remoterig so I hope that problem is not too less power. Interconnection cables between control-RRC > panel and radio RRC > Radio should be ok.
So my question is, what can explain that I am able to start my remote station with Panel ON and after some time it dropp OFF? If panel drop off and I switch radio power off forced by manual, I can start my redio / power ON again (from panel button) but panel lights not come up... Help me..