I am connected to a communications port located on a mountain top communication site. When I ping the IP address, I get a reply turnaround of 39-43 ms, average 40 ms.
I have tried setting audio quality to 0, RTP to continuous, jitter buffer to 12, jitter delay to 10, audio packet 20 . All COM ports are off and not utilized. I used a friend's RemoteRig units and had the same phenomenon. All units had already been upgraded to 2.62 firmware.
This problem seems very reproducible. The first time I try to turn on the control head after the RemoteRig has had a chance to fully boot up and connect (solid green power light), I get the "Hello" screen on the TS-480 immediately and then the green light to the right side of the AUX/MIC jack lights followed a few seconds later by the red light. If I remove and reinsert the power cord, wait until the green power light is solid, then turn on the control head, there are several seconds before the "Hello" screen appears and a few seconds later I have full function of the rig. If I turn the rig off, wait 30 seconds, then try to turn it back on, the same lock up occurs. Once again, I need to remove power from the RemoteRig, wait until boot up is complete, and then power up the rig.
Any other ideas to try?
Craig, AE7I