While getting setup for the February 2015 School Club Roundup, I was testing out the remote paired units when I noticed that I was unable to connect. I discovered that my Internet connectivity is/was fine. What was not working was that the radio portion of the remote (SN 5054) was not getting an IP address, reponding to ping, etc. I repowered the device and the ETH0 LEDs were not flashing and no success etc. I reset the device and still no network access, I was unable to ping the default address and yes, I set the computer to that block. Again I noticed that the LEDs on the Ethernet port were not flashing.
I downloaded the Microbit setup configuration. I connected to the device via the USB connection. I was able to see the boot load and other data, such as the default IP address. I modified the IP address to my local network and saved the configuration. I removed the USB cable, powered the device with a different 12 volt adapter and LAN connection, again no success. I even went so far as to update the bios file to 2.83, again without success. So, I have a working control head remote (that I updated while I was at it) for with a TS-480hx radio ... that I use three times a year.
Normally the remotes sit in a case waiting for events I support at the local middle school. The only reason they were connected was so that could test out my Android phone on the remote -- what a great idea. In fact, I got it working one day before my day trail period ended - I missed the part about com2 and kept putting the project off.
We have not had any other IP related issues here in the office where the station is located (or other significant weather issues, etc to cause other equipment failures. I will add that it was working fine while I was testing my android with the device.
Anyone have any ideas?
Where can I send for testing/repair?
Paul - KC5CYY