I have been using a K3 with a RRC 1258MKII units remote with a K3/0 for about a year with everything working great. I recently acquired a K3/0 mini and set it up with a new RRC control unit with all the same settings. I was able to connect with either unit for several weeks.
With no (known) changes to anything, now the connection with the 'old' K3/0 fails. Specifically on the remote unit the Connection status is "Faulty" with
SIP status Connected/transfering
Last SIP error None
RTP/UDP audio status Stalled(9)
UDP cmd status OK(45)
While the radio RRC unit shows:
Last SIP error None
RTP status Excellent(59)
UDP cmd status OK(36)
SIP command timeout 0
The display works and the the unit tunes, but there is no receive audio.
When connecting with the K3/0 mini, the remote unit status shows:
Radio ON
Connection status OK
SIP status Connected/transfering
Last SIP error None
RTP status Excellent(60)
UDP cmd status OK(45)
and the audio comes thorugh just fine.
As far as I can tell, all of the settings on the two control point units are identical. The older RRC remote has software version 2.74, and the newer one 2.80, but both were working great before this problem popped up. I want to understand the issue before I update the firmware on the older unit.
Anyone have any ideas? What am I missing?
73 John N5CQ