I am using the Elecraft K3 in twin mode. At the radio site, I have the following setup:
- Radio PC -> COM1 of RRC
- COM2 of RRC -> Elecraft K3
From the Radio PC, I can use CAT commands to control the transceiver. Great.
The Elecraft K3 supports PTT and keying via the DTR and RTS lines on its RS-232 port. What I would like to do is set the DTR/RTS lines from the Radio PC and have them be passed through to the K3.
Effectively, the goal is to do keying and PTT entirely from software on the Radio PC without any involvement of the RRC's internal keyer. Currently, it appears these signals are being hijacked by the RemoteRig, and they are not getting through.
Please note that I am
not referring to the control RRC. I know I can use the PTT and keying lines there, and that works great. I am referring to the radio side of the pair only.
Rockwell WW1X