Author Topic: Issue with CW Transmission using a PC based logging / contest program  (Read 10654 times)


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Hello to the group.

I was participating in a recent cw contest and wondered why I was not making qso's. Even though  I could hear (with the sidetone) and see that the transceiver (TS-480) was being keyed and sending my callsign in cw. I am using the USB connection on the RRC Control unit for CW. I assume that my RRC setup for both the Control and Radio units are correct (as per page 93 of the Remote Rig manual) as I am able to send cw via my paddle without any issues. I have verified that my settings on the TS-480 are set properly for CW. I am suing software version 2.91 on both Control and Radio units.

When I listen to my signal on another transceiver, I realized why no one came back to my calls. It does not sound like CW. It almost appears that the computer generated cw does not have the tone nor the proper dot to dash ratio and sounds like keyclicks. Difficult to describe actually. Unfortunately, I am unable to send my MP3 recording to the group as it is not one of the allowed file types which provides a sample of the audio when I transmit with my paddle followed by transmission using my computer. At first I thought it was a computer USB port issue so I tried using another computer with the same result. I have also used N1MM+ as well as DXLab suite software and the cw generated by computer sounds the same.  Has anyone ever encountered this type of problem. I have no idea what could be causing it.

Thank you very much in advance. Greatly appreciate your assistance.




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Hello to the group.

FYI - I have been attempting to find the source of my cw issue without any success.

I have used two different logging programs (N1MM+ and DXLab Suites) in conjunction with the two PCs (a desktop and a laptop) that I have at the remote site. Both the software and computers are able to key my extra transceiver (FTdx3K) without any problem. Indicating to my mind, that the logging software is configured properly.

At the remote site I connected the TS-480 directly  to the radio body bypassing both the Radio or Control RRC's, I connected a straight key to the key input of the radio and was able to key the transmitter and monitored the output from another transceiver. I could hear the cw along with the  correct tone on my extra receiver.

At this point, I am not sure what else to do. Given that using the paddle generates the cw correctly as monitored on another receiver, I assume that my both my Radio and Control RRC's are also  configured properly.

I would be glad to try any other suggestions that anyone else may have to correct the problem.

Thank you very much in advance.



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I am operating a K3 in remote configuration. Everything works fine except the built in Win-Keyer. It will not produce clean CW with my log program (UcxLog). It is sounding extremly shortened and some characters are missing. Switching options in the log program does not help.
Paddle or straight key works fine...
I solved the problem for me using a MicroKeyer II doing all the audio and the cw stuff. Only RTTY is done with the RRC box via the usb port, because i cannot use it as a Win Keyer.
Used firmware version is 2.90.

Maybe the keyer implementation is still a little bit buggy?

73 Henning


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Good morning Henning. Thank you very much for your response.
It is truly a strange problem that I am experiencing. I also am using firmware version 2.90.
It does appear that the logging software (in my case N1MM+ and DxLab, is not able to key the transceiver properly. That is why I hear not cw tone and it sounds more like just key clicks being transmitted.
I would like to hear a little bit more about how you used the Micro Keyer II as I also have one here at the remote location. Would you mind sharing with me how you wired it up to the Radio RRC unit and what settings you used in RRC Control?
Thank you in advance. Greatly appreciate your feedback.




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Hello to the group.

Well after some very frustrating sessions with various contest and logging software together with what seemed endless attempts at various settings in both the remote rig units and the contesting/logging software I was able to solve the cw problem. The only reason I solved it was that I came across the post by Max - NG7M in the RR forum which discussed an issue similar to the one I was experiencing :

Turns out that my KEY DELAY setting in my RRC CONTROL unit KEYER settings was at 0. I do not recall changing this value from the default. After reading the post by NG7M I changed my setting to 25 ms and voila! It worked! CW sounds fine when sent from logging/contesting programs and via paddle!

Thanks to all those who responded with suggestions. I especially would like to thank Max-  NG7M for finding the solution to a very frustrating problem.



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My keying also failed and this is why! +1 for posting the answer! 73 Steve, M0BPQ


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Glad that you found it helpful Steve.
